Friday, October 5, 2012

The New York Times Opinion -October 5, 2012-.: Pity the Plutocrats

The New York Times

October 5, 2012

Opinion Today

Campaign Stops

Pity the Plutocrats

Why do the well-to-do whine so? Why do they wring their hands?
Idiot's Delight

Idiot's Delight

At this point in the campaign, how can the undecideds expect to have anyone's support?
Op-Ed Contributor

Moving Beyond Affirmative Action

A Supreme Court ruling against the University of Texas might put ethnic and racial diversity on college campuses on a firmer footing for the long term.
Is Islam an Obstacle to Democracy?
Room for Debate

Is Islam an Obstacle to Democracy?

If Arab nations were to "draw on Islamic traditions," would they favor democratic government?
Haidt's Problem With Plato
Opinionator | The Stone

Haidt's Problem With Plato

In "The Righteous Mind," Jonathan Haidt argues that psychologists have overturned philosophers' view of reason. But there are ways for the two groups to work together.
In the Eyes of the Beholden

In the Eyes of the Beholden

The economic crisis has put Spain center stage in the Continent-wide drama, but Spaniards are feeling cut out of their own story.

Peace Talks With the Taliban

The Obama administration should not abandon efforts for a negotiated solution in Afghanistan.

Fair Tests for Firefighters

A federal judge has pushed the city toward ending racial bias in the Fire Department.

The Documented Life

President Obama's program to suspend deportation of young immigrants comes with a daunting paperwork challenge, but progress is being made.

A Challenge to Aspiring Lawyers

New York State's chief judge unveiled a groundbreaking rule that will require law students to perform 50 hours of pro bono legal work.

The Opinion Pages

Read the full opinion report, including editorials, columns, op-eds and Opinionator. Go to the Section »
Taking Note

About That '$90 Billion' Green Energy Tax Break

Mitt Romney's energy policy whoppers.
Wages, Prices, Depressions, Deficits (Wonkish)
The Conscience of a Liberal

Wages, Prices, Depressions, Deficits (Wonkish)

Mind that output gap.
A Rout and Its Consequences

A Rout and Its Consequences

Some notes on last night's presidential debate.
Nicholas D. Kristof Blog

The Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: A Japanese Scholar Responds

Guest blogger Takayuki Nishi argues that China contradicts itself when it claims that the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are inherently Chinese territory.

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