There is an interesting article in the Daily Mail today announcing:
Bottoms up! The facelift is old hat, the tummy tuck's yesterday's news - the latest craze is the bum lift!
The article goes on to describe the Thong Lift, the name given by a Miami plastic surgeon for fat grafting to the buttocks (a.k.a. Brazilian Butt Lift). Here's more:
The difference between this is and other sorts of fat augmentation is that the surgeon injects fat between layers of muscle, so there is more blood supply to the fat and less of it dies.
The scars left by the incisions needed to inject the fat are hidden, says Mendieta, ‘in the grand canyon where the thong goes’, hence the name of the procedure.
"Grand Canyon?" That's a strange term to use!
I perform fat grafting to the buttocks, but am always concerned about being too aggressive with grafting it into the actual muscles, which have large blood vessels and nerves. This would make me more concerned about a major bleeding episode. The surgeon is definitely well-known for his gluteal work, however, and probably does a few more of these than I do.
Click here for the article.
Thanks for reading.
Anthony Youn, M.D.
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