The media is currently buzzing about People Magazine's newest issue with Heidi Montag. In the issue she admits to being "obsessed" with plastic surgery and recently undergoing ten procedures during one operative setting in November. What the heck is going on here?
Heidi is a 23 year old young woman who obviously has self-image problems. Because she has no real talent to keep her in the spotlight she appears to be using plastic surgery as a sad attempt to stay on the covers of magazines. While this may work for a week, the results of her surgery stay for life. Here's what I think about the ten procedures she's had done:
Revision nose job - unnecessary. It looked fine after the first one. This just creates more scar tissue which could cause problems down the line.
Chin reduction - Why? Her chin looked good before.
Mini brow lift - stupid. Her brows were not droopy.
Botox - unnecessary in a 23 year old. She had no real wrinkles before. Now she has a "Botox brow" and looks like Cruella De Vil.
Fat injections - Not needed. She is too young to need fat grafting to her face. Unless the person has an unusually flat face, I usually consider this in the 30's at the earliest.
Ear pinning - I'm unsure about this one. It's reasonable if she had ears that stuck out.
Liposuction - ridiculous - She's too thin to need lipo. She should talk to Tara Reid.
Buttock augmentation - dumb - Heidi had a very nice derriere before the surgery. She should leave well-enough alone. She risks it becoming lumpy and uneven.
Breast augmentation revision - Probably unnecessary. Unless she had a complication or wanted to downsize, there was probably no reason to do this.
Overall, a 23 year old woman should not be having this many surgeries. Most, if not all, of her surgeries appear unnecessary and could even potentially make her look worse, not better. Unless there is more to the story than there appears on the surface, I don't think all these operations were the right thing to do. Send the poor woman to a shrink instead.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
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