The newest issue of Life and Style Weekly has a big article on Holly Madison and her plastic surgery. In the article she admits to undergoing a rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, both of which are pretty obvious when looking at her. There are a few surprising revelations, however. According to the New York Daily News:
Former Playboy model Holly Madison says that beneath her Barbie-doll measurements beats the heart of an insecure woman who used plastic surgery as a way to build her self-esteem.
And she blames ex-boyfriend Hugh Hefner for that lack of confidence.
"Living with Hef brought down my self-esteem a lot," Madison told Life & Style. "I was comparing myself to the other girls ... You have to look a certain way at the mansion."
"Plastic surgery made it easier for me to get things I wanted in my career," she said. "Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today. My nose photographed really big in front of my face. If I wanted to do anything in the entertainment industry, I needed to get it fixed."
I think she's a knockout. Not only is she blessed with good genes, but her plastic surgeon did a nice job as well. I never understood the interest in Kendra, though, whom I find to be quite annoying.
Some of my viewpoints of cellulite and its treatments are also highlighted in the magazine.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
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