Star Magazine has recently run a spread on Brad Pitt's "Plastic Surgery Secret." A very well-respected New York-based plastic surgeon believes he may have had a chemical peel to smooth the skin and filler injections such as Restylane or Juvederm to fill his wrinkles. Source.
He does look quite a bit better. The two photos are hard to compare, however, due to the different expressions in each one. The photo from Sept 6 has him looking surprised, with an open mouth, whereas the Nov 6 photo shows him smiling. It is a very common practice among plastic and cosmetic surgeons to use before and after photos which do not show the same pose. Because most everyone looks younger when they smile (since their cheeks look fuller and help cover up bags under the eyes) these photos are commonly used as 'after' pictures. The most famous Lunchtime Facelift (you know who they are!) before and after photos are a prime example of what I consider deceptive advertising. It's almost as if they ask the patient to look as old and grumpy as possible in the before, and then in the after they crane their neck up and smile. It's too bad that most people can't spot this!
Thanks for reading.
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