Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been a whirlwind past couple days. Tuesday afternoon I flew to L.A. to film a television pilot, returning Wednesday evening. I've been in surgery all day today, so I just haven't had time to post anything!
Speaking of TV, I was contacted by the producer of a well-known television program that is looking for people who lighten their skin to look "better." The title of the segment is "Bleaching for Beauty" and they want to find people who believe they are more attractive after using skin lightening creams. If this applies to you, email your information to me at: miplasticsurgeon@yahoo.com. I will forward your information to the producer.
If you have an interesting plastic surgery-related story and would like to be featured on television, feel free to email me. I often get calls from producers who are looking for an interesting story to tell. Who knows, maybe you can get a free trip to New York out of it!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
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