Wow. What has happened to actress Lara Flynn Boyle's face? Her face is so puffy it is almost unrecognizable.
I feel really bad for her. I can only think of one medical reason why her face would be this puffy: steroids. If she is not on steroids for some particular reason (rheumatoid arthritis or other auto-immune disease) then it is very likely her plastic surgeon has been a bit over-zealous with fat grafting, Sculptra, or even liquid silicone injections, like what Priscilla Presley has had. For the record, I perform fat grafting and Sculptra injections quite often, and have never seen a result like hers from these relatively safe and conservative treatments. With her history of plumped-up lips, I would bet on some plastic surgery as being the cause of her unusual appearance, however. Her puffy face is not due to weight gain, as she looks as small as ever.
She may very well have BDD, or body dysmorphic disorder. This is a psychiatric condition where a person looks in the mirror and sees something that everyone else doesn't see. It can lead some people to undergo excessive amounts of plastic surgery in a misguided attempt to correct deformities that aren't there in the first place.
For her sake, I hope she gets some professional help, and not of the plastic surgery kind.
Photo credit: dailymail.uk
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
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