Friday, April 30, 2010

Alexa Ray Joel - Rhinoplasty

Alexa Ray Joel, daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley, has admitted to People magazine that she's had a rhinoplasty (nose job). According to the New York Daily News,

"I was thinking about getting this for years," the 24-year-old singer told People magazine. "[It's] always bothered me a little bit. I was self-conscious of pictures taken from the side." She said she underwent rhinoplasty earlier this month.

The only photos I've seen are from the front, not the side. From the front she looks a bit straighter, but otherwise the same. It sounds like she had a bump on her nose that she wanted removed, one of my favorite things to do.

Her father is one of my favorite singers. Piano Man, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant, River of Dreams, Rosalinda's Eyes, Vienna, Say Goodbye to Hollywood, etc. etc. He rocks. Awesome concert performer too. I would give my left leg for a private concert with Billy.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lady Gaga - Poker Face or Plastic Surgery Face?

Rumors have been circulating recently that Lady Gaga is considering plastic surgery. A source has been quoted as saying:

"She's desperately unhappy but keeps talking about having thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery. She really thinks that could fix everything."
This has led to a slew of blogs claiming that Ms. Gaga is planning to go under the plastic surgeon's knife. Not so, says someone in the know:
A spokesperson for the Poker Face star told the news provider he was "categorically denying" the reports, describing them as "ridiculous and untrue".
So, we've established that she is not planning plastic surgery now, but has she had it in the past? A rhinoplasty perhaps? My Magic Eight Ball Says: Signs Point To Yes.
I really like her music. Let's Dance is great, as is Poker Face and that GAGARARARA Bad Romance song. Her videos are really strange though...yet I can't not watch them when they are on.
Thanks for reading.
Anthony Youn, M.D.:

7 Manfaat Widget Google Friend Connect

Penulis: Anawia putra |

Sudah tahu apa itu google friend connect, Google friend connect adalah
suatu program komunitas sosial seperti BlogCatalog,  MyBlogLog, dan
 lain-lain. Bagi pengguna blogger mungkin tidak asing lagi karena sudah
tertanam didalamnya secara otomatis. karena blogger juga milik google
jadi otomatis sudah dipasangnya.

Bagi pemilik blog ber mesin wordpress harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu
untuk digunakan di blognya. caranya bisa dibaca di
memasang google friend connect
yang pernah saya tulis di blog

Kebanyakan blogger hanya memajang widget ini sebagai trend saja. Tanpa
memanfaatkannya lebih jauh lagi. Padahal widget tersebut memiliki fungsi
yang besar untuk membesarkan situs kita. Untuk itu saya mencoba
membahas setidak nya 7 manfaat dari google friend connect.

7 manfaat itu antara lain :

1. Dapat mempromosikan tulisan terbaru

Bagi pengguna blogger akan secara otomatis memberitahu artikel terbaru
kita dihalaman dashboard para follower atau di halaman href="" target="_blank">
setelah anda masuk ke account blogger anda. Jika tulisan anda menarik,
mereka akan segera berkunjung ke blog anda.

2. Dapat digunakan untuk mempromosikan produk terbaru

Tanpa disadari tenyata google friend connect bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai
alat untuk mempromosikan produk. Melalui fitur nawala yang ada
didalamnya. cara menggunakannya yaitu dengan mengirim pesan nawala yang
isinya produk yang ingin anda promosikan. Kemudian kirimkan ke
follower-follower anda. Pesan akan terkirim dalam bentuk email. artinya
anda tidak perlu capek membuat autoresponden, karena google friend
connect telah dapat dimanfaatkan untuk itu.

3. Bisa mengetahui minat pembaca

Buat sebuah pertanyaan untuk mengetahui minat pembaca dengan mengakifkan
polling yang tersedia. Dengan mengetahui minat pembaca, maka anda dapat
menulis artikel yang disukai pembaca, dengan demikian maka tulisan anda
akan dilahap habis oleh pembaca. Mempromosikan produk sesuai dengan
minat mereka mungkin akan sangat baik untuk produk yang anda

4. Meningkatkan pertumbuhan blog

Dengan berjalannya manfaat pada point 1. saat anda mempromosikan
tulisan-tulisan anda maka secara tidak langsung membantu meningkatkan
pertumbuhuan blog anda dan ini harapan dari semua blogger. Karena itu
tingkatkan follower blog anda agar pertumbuhan blog yang anda miliki
lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Banyak cara untuk meningkatkan follower blog kita. dan ini hanya
membutuhkan kreatifitas kita misalnya dengan memberikan bonus ebook atau
yang lain. sekedar contoh saya memberikan
bonus ebook
untuk pelanggan follower saya lihat di link tadi.

5. Dapat menjaring pelanggan lebih luas

Siapapun dapat dengan mudah menjadi pelanggan follower anda.

bergabung dalam situs Anda dengan sekali klik. Mereka dapat menggunakan
account Google, Yahoo, Twitter dan account lainnya. karena itu membuka
gerbang untuk menjaring pelanggan yang lebih luas lagi.

6. Pengunjung dapat berinteraksi dengan pengunjung yang lain

Kelebihan google friend connect yang memberi manfaat untuk pemilik blog
adalah adanya fasilitas untuk berinteraksi sesama follower. Dengan
demikian mereka akan menjadi lebih kerasan berada di blog anda. Mereka
sebagai follower juga bisa menilai dan memberi rating blog anda.
mengundang teman-teman mereka dalam penerbitan hasil kegiatan mereka
 kepada mereka jaringan sosial. lebih mendalam melibatkan pengunjung
 dengan situs Anda begitu juga

antara pengunjung yang satu dengan yang lainya

7. Pelanggan follower dapat bertambah

Bertambah otomatis artinya pelanggan yang suka dengan blog anda bisa
mengundang sahabat-sahabat mereka untuk bergabung menjadi follower.
Dalam hal ini terjadi secara otomatis tanpa anda suruh. Fitur seperti
inilah yang menurut saya bisa menjadikan facebook besar seperti sekarang
ini. tapi ini hanya pendapat saya.

Nah dari 7 manfaat ini sebenarnya masih bisa anda gali menjadi 10 atau
lebih mungkin manfaat dari anda memasang widget follower. Terima kasih
kesempatannya kepada Om Agus telah menerbitkan tulisan sederhana saya.

Satu pertanyaan untuk menutup ulasan saya mengenai manfaat follower ini
adalah Sudahkah anda
follower widget
dan sudah pula kah anda memanfaatkannya ?

Monday, April 26, 2010

ASAPS Annual Meeting 2010

I just returned from the annual meeting for the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C. It was an excellent meeting, attended by a "who's who" in aesthetic plastic surgery. Some interesting topics covered in the first few days:
1. Biofilms as a cause of capsular contracture - the bane of my existence as a breast augmentation surgeon is capsular contracture, or excess scar tissue that can build up around a breast implant. This can make the breast look round, hard, and painful. One potential cause is biofilm, or a coating of bacteria that can cover an implant. Techniques to limit biofilms were addressed, including the interesting Keller Funnel. If there is any way to reduce the amount of capsular contracture, I'm all for it.
2. Acellular Dermal Matrices (ADM) in breast revision surgery - We are now using several different types of radiated skin (from cadavers, pigs, etc.) as a way to prevent breast implants from bottoming out, moving into the armpit, or creating a una-boob (symmastia). My good friend Dr. Brad Bengtson gave two great talks on using these ADM's for preventing capsular contracture.
3. Laser Liposuction - Does laser liposuction really tighten the skin? Depends on who you talk to. There really wasn't a consensus on whether it visibly tightens skin, but there was a consensus on the need for more scientific studies to see if it does.
4. Lipodissolve injections actually work? One study sponsored by ASAPS/ASERF appeared to show a visible decrease in the thickness of fat in people injected with substances typically used for lipodissolve. There were no major adverse events, although the changes were subtle and the treatments did entail dozens of injections over several weeks/months. Another study didn't show any significant changes in their patients. So the jury is still out on that one.
5. I did a small talk on the eMatrix for International Hot Topics in Plastic Surgery. This is one of the newest fractional skin treatments I demo'd on the Rachael Ray Show.

There were more great topics than I can cover in a blog post. The meeting is actually still going on! I left early because I missed my family and have surgery to do tomorrow. It's always nice to sleep in my own bed next to my beautiful wife!

Thanks to everyone on the ASAPS meeting planning team for putting on a great meeting.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spanish Plastic Surgeons Perform First Full Face Transplant

Plastic surgeons in Spain have recently performed the first full face transplant on a farmer who had most of his face destroyed by a gunshot wound. The surgery took 22 hours and employed a team of over 30 doctors, nurses, and technicians.

According to an article:

The technique involved removing what was left of the man's face and giving him a replacement "in one piece." By the means of plastic reconstructive surgery and microsurgery of blood vessels.
, the doctors transplanted the entire face apart from the tongue and eyeballs onto the man.
The unnamed farmer now boasts of a brand new face from his hairline down. The only one scar he has runs across his neck, which looks like a wrinkle.

"The operation was carried out by a multidisciplinary team led by Dr Joan Pere Barret, performing the transplant of the entire facial skin and muscles, nose, lips, maxilla, palate, all teeth, cheekbones, and the mandible by means of plastic surgery and micro-neurovascular reconstructive surgery techniques."
Experts took care to ensure that the patient's new face resembled the one he had before the accident and did not have any likeness to that of the anonymous donor.
According to Barret, his new face will be reminiscent of both.

Amazing stuff. It's stories like this that make me proud to be a plastic surgeon. I am humbled by the skill of plastic surgeons like Dr. Barret and all of the surgeons who have contributed to the advancement of our specialty, both reconstructive and cosmetic.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Compress Javascript dengan YUI Compressor

Percaya nggak desain web site/blog tanpa javascript ibarat sayur tanpa
garam? bagaimana mungkin sebuah aplikasi web profesional tidak didukung dengan
javascript ini. Silahkan anda cek sendiri web site kelas dunia diluar sana yang
kebanyakan menggunaan fitur AJAX seperti Yahoo, Google dan  Facebook apa
mereka menghindari script yang satu ini, gak mungkin lah hehehe jadi jangan
pernah berpikir menghindarinya jika kita hanya berpikiran untuk masalah
kecepatan loading website. Pemakaian Javascript yang wajar-wajar saja saya rasa
tidak ada masalah, asalkan memang didukung dengan server yang mumpuni, terlebih yang
menggunakan platform blogspot yang dihost langsung pada platform tersebut..coba
silahkan buka kembali tutorial lawas saya

yang membahas cara host javascript langsung di blogspot.


Sebenarnya banyak sekali tools javascipt compressor diluar sana yang
bisa kita coba, namun hanya sedikit yang benar-benar bekerja dengan baik menurut
saya. Dari sekian banyak tools yang saya coba hanya
 yang dikembangkan langsung melalui dapur Yahoo
Developer  Network
ini saja yang benar-benar berkerja tanpa kesalahan
(error). Ini sudah saya  buktikan pada beberapa blog blogspot saya dan
semuanya bekerja dengan sempurna. silahkan cek langsung pada
dengan melihat source codenyanya secara langsung melalui browser kita


Ok lah mungkin sebagain dari blogger kurang setuju menggunakan javascript
dengan alasan kecepatan, tapi jika kita terpaksa tetap menggunakannya ya mau
tidak mau kita harus mencoba merampingkannya dengan cara mengompress script
tersebut. Tujuannya agar ukurannya menjadi lebih kecil dari ukuran semula dan
tentu saja paling tidak loading page blog kita jadi sedikit lebih cepat :)


Ada beberapa layanan Online yang sudah support YUI Compressor yang
bisa kita coba, diantaranya yang sering saya gunakan adalah
YUI Compressor Online dan
Online YUI Compressor.
Cara menggunakan layanan ini juga tidak sulit, kita tinggal memasukan saja semua
kode javascript yang ingin di-kompresi, ingat! tanpa memasukan tag

tapi hanya kode utamanya saja.

Tampilan Online YUI Compressor


Tampilan YUI Compressor Online


Sebenarnya saya sekali ingin menjelaskan panjang lebar semua mengenai YUI
, namun saya yakin dari pada kalian bosan membacanya mending
pelajari saja ya secara langsung dialamat websitenya
disini :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

The King of Kong is a...Plastic Surgeon???

Funny story from amednews: The newest King of Donkey Kong is a plastic surgeon! Dr. Hank Chien, a plastic surgeon from New York, scored over 1 million points in 2.5 hours on Feb 27th. According to the article:

In September 2008, about a year after watching the documentary, Dr. Chien sought out an arcade that carried the game. He said he figured his skills in the operating room could translate to a video game environment, and he believed he could master Donkey Kong...
A clinical study published in the February 2007 Archives of Surgery found a direct correlation between gaming and proficiency in laparoscopic surgery. Researchers said surgeons who played video games at least three hours a week in their past were 27% faster than were nongamers and had 37% fewer errors...

On the fateful morning of Feb. 26, Dr. Chien woke up to find New York City buried in several inches of snow. His office called to say his surgeries had been canceled...
He completed his game in the early hours of Feb. 27. Dr. Chien announced his victory on Facebook and was surprised at the number of people who were still awake and read his message. The flood of e-mails and calls started coming, and his life as an international celebrity in the gaming world began...
Dr. Chien's life once consisted of plastic surgery during the day and Donkey Kong at night. Now his spare time is eaten up with interviews and autographs.

I have heard of surgeons buying video games and writing them off on their taxes. I'd like to poke fun at Dr. Chien for spending so much time playing a video game, but then again, who am I to talk? I spend time writing a blog on celebrity plastic surgery.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Did Haylie Duff Have a Breast Augmentation?

The latest issue of Star Magazine (and this photo from shows what appears to be a dramatic size increase in Haylie Duff's breasts. They look like they're about to explode out of her shirt. Has she had a recent breast augmentation or did she stuff two grapefruits into her bra?

I would bet on the breast augmentation. Give her some time and they should settle down nicely, unless she went to Europe and got the 'gummy bear' implants. Then she may be stuck with what she has.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sharon Osbourne's Breast Implants Destined To Be Ozzy's Paperweights??

In a recent interview on the Today show, Sharon Osbourne stated that she plans to have her breast implants removed this summer and then plans to give them to her husband Ozzy to use as paperweights! According to

"They're better on his desk than on my chest," she said. "They're awful!"

Even for a plastic surgeon who does this surgery nearly every day, I find that pretty gross. I once removed breast implants from a patient who asked me if she could take the explanted implants home with her. When I asked her why, she replied that she planned to mail them to her ex-husband!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kate Hudson Had A Breast Augmentation?

There are reports that Kate Hudson has had a conservative breast augmentation. Recent photos show her with larger breasts (likely going from a AA to a nice B). This is in contrast to her previous comments at the 2002 Golden Globes: "I have small breasts, obviously... It's nice to be able to wear a plunging neckline and have it be elegant."

It looks like her surgon did a nice job. The surgery was probably performed at least a month ago since she doesn't appear to have much swelling. This is in stark contrast to Heidi Montag who looks like she could float all the way to Sri Lanka.

I wish she would.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

5 Tips Sederhana Meningkatkan PageView Blog

Penulis: Satrya | | Twitter

Apa itu pageview? Pageview adalah nilai rata-rata jumlah halaman blog
kita yang diakses oleh satu visitor dalam satu kali
kunjungan.Pageview ini sangat penting sekali, karena anda bisa mengukur
seberapa bermanfaatkah atau seberapa menarikah artikel anda untuk para
pembaca blog anda, bila pageview anda tinggi walaupun dengan visitor
yang masih minim itu berarti artikel-artikel yang anda tulis cukup
memberikan manfaat dan menarik perhatian untuk pembaca.Hal ini pun
menurut pengalaman pribadi saya bisa menambah semangat anda dalam
menulis.Coba anda bayangkan ketika blog anda mempunyai traffic yang
tinggi ditambah artikel-artikel anda yang menarik dan bermanfaat sudah
dipastikan pageview anda juga akan sangat tinggi mungkin bisa menyamai
blog ini bahkan mungkin bisa melewati blog href="" target="_blank"> ini :D.

Saya akan memberikan 5 tips sederhana yang bisa meningkatkan pageview
blog anda :

1. Mengupdate Artikel Setiap Hari.

harus update artikel setiap hari?apa hubungannya dengan pageview?
Mengupdate artikel setiap hari tentunya akan menambah banyak jumlah
artikel yang anda tulis pada blog anda.Bila satu hari ada seorang
visitor yang berkunjung ke blog anda, ketika visitor tersebut membaca
satu artikel anda dan dia mendapatkan manfaat dari artikel anda
tersebut, pasti dia akan mencari artikel-artikel bermanfaat lainnya di
blog anda.Setiap artikel yang dia baca akan menambah jumlah pageview

2. Membuat Judul Artikel Semenarik mungkin


Jangan sampai para
pembaca blog anda melewatkan sebuah artikel penting hanya gara-gara
judul yang kurang menarik.Dengan judul artikel yang menarik kemungkinan
besar pengunjung penasaran untuk membaca artikel tersebut.

3. Submit Artikel Anda ke Social Bookmark

Pasti anda sudah
tahu apa itu social bookmark.Social bookmark bisa mendatangkan traffic
yang banyak.Ada 3 situs social bookmark yang biasa saya gunakan dan
memang khusus blog berbahasa indonesia yaitu, href="" target="_blank"> ,href="" target="_blank"> dan href="" target="_blank">

4. Pasang Artikel Penting di Sidebar

Manfaatkanlah sidebar
anda untuk memberi kemudahan oada pengunjung untuk menavigasi blog
anda.Maksudnya pasanglah artikel-artikel yang menurut anda bermanfaat
atau menarik di sidebar anda.Misalkan artikel terpopuler dari blog anda,
atau artikel yang penting untuk di baca pengunjung anda.

5. Pasang Artikel Terkait dibawah Setiap Postingan Anda

hampir sama dengan memasang artikel penting di sidebar, tapi biasanya
artikel terkait ini satu kategory dengan artikel yang sedang di baca
oleh pengunjung tersebut.Ketika selesai membaca artikel kemudian
pengunjung melihat artikle terkait tepat di bawah postingan bukan tidak
mungkin pengunjung tersebut akan terus tertarik untuk membaca artikel

Sekarang anda perhatikan susunan 5 tips yang sudah saya tulis di
atas.Pertama anda harus mengupdate setiap hari artikel agar menambah
jumlah artikel di blog anda semakin banyak dengan judul setiap artikel
menarik perhatian pengunjung, setelah itu anda submit artikel-artikel
anda ke situs-situs social bookmark untuk mendapatkan visitor.Ketika
visitor tertarik berkunjung dan membaca salah satu artikel anda ternyata
bermanfaat atau menarik maka pengunjung tersebut pun akan mencari
artikel bermanfaat atau menarik lainnya dengan mencarinya di sidebar
atau pada postingan terkait yang sudah anda letakan tepat di bawah
postinganan anda.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Is Heidi Montag Trying To Become a Human Barbie?

How do Heidi Montag and Barbie's measurements compare? Is Heidi trying to become a real life Barbie doll? Check out to find out.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog Reader's Experience with Juvederm Ultra

One of our faithful blog readers, Rosina from Middle Ageless, has posted a photo essay on her recent experience with Juvederm Ultra injections into her cheeks and nasolabial folds (groove extending from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth). You can see her nice improvement here. She has a fairly typical result from a conservative amount of filler injected. I wonder how many vials were used? Most people with fairly prominent nasolabial folds need at least 2 vials to get optimal results.

If you haven't checked out her Middle Ageless blog, make sure to visit. It has a great combination of beauty, plastic surgery, and fashion secrets. You can check it out here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

National Television Show Looking For Plastic Surgery Enthusiasts Age 18-28

A national television program has asked me to help them locate anyone age 18-28 who is obsessed with plastic surgery and has multiple procedures at this young age. They produce a docu-style program which explores the double-life that some people lead. According to the producers:

We will treat your story with the utmost sensitivity, compassion, dignity and respect... We want to explore how you cope and how you untangle the web of your double life. With the help of a qualified, highly-credentialed, on-camera therapist, our hope is for you to jump start a dialogue about the issues you confront on a daily basis. Family members or friends may take part in your transformation.
If you are interested in sharing your story and you fit the above description, email me at and I will forward your info along to the producers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Demi Moore Comes Clean About Plastic Surgery... Kind Of

In an interview with Elle Magazine, Demi Moore has finally confirmed the rumors that she's had plastic surgery. The 47 year old actress stated that she had work done, but only to her body. She also admitted to body image issues, and would not rule out more plastic surgery in the future. According to

"I've had something done but it's not my face," says the mother of three... However, Moore did reveal that she wouldn't be opposed to having plastic surgery in the future.
"You know what? Maybe one day I'll go under the knife," she admits. "It just irritates me that people are constantly saying how much I've spent on plastic surgery."

"I had an extreme obsession with my body," she says. "I made it a measure of my own value. I tried to dominate it, which I did, and I changed it multiple times over."

It's nice to hear her finally revealing that her body is not 100% plastic surgery-free. I never believed the audacious rumors that she'd had $3 million worth of plastic surgery, nor did I believe her frequent denials of going under the knife. I wish that the reporter from Elle would have asked her why she felt it necessary to deny having plastic surgery for all those years. Good for you to finally embrace it, Demi! Now admit to having work done on your face and we'll all be happy!

For my previous posts on Demi Moore and her plastic surgery denials, click here.
Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Memilih Template Yang Benar

Penulis: Biyan A Pasau |

Template mu adalah identitas mu. Pemilihan template tidak bisa dilakukan secara sembarangan.

Saya pernah mereview salah satu blog yang berNiche cord gitar tetapi template yang digunakan berbasis magazine (*mudah-mudahan orangnya gak baca ini). Tidak salah memang…ini tergantung dengan tastenya si Admin. Masalahnya, apakah ini cocok dimata yang lain. Blog tidak hanya dilihat untuk kita sendiri selaku admin tetapi juga untuk mereka yang bertindak sebagai visitor.

Untuk blog non komersil seperti saya ^ ^, pemilihan template bebas bisa anda lakukan secara sepihak mengingat bahwa itu tidak diperuntukan untuk moneytise bahkan mungkin dikhususkan untuk anda sendiri.

Mari abaikan pihak non Moneytize…kita berbicara tentang blogger komersil.

Saya hanya mau sharing tentang tips dan trik memilih template.

Ingat nice anda

Tanyakan pada diri anda, tema apa yang akan saya usung? Apakah Uang Segar $_$, Blog Tutorial, Cord Gitar, Gallery & Screenshoot atau yang lain. Jangan gunakan tema yang tidak nyambung semisal nice Cord Gitar tetapi menggunakan template dengan style portfolio. Kalau cord gitar yah code gitar. Kalau affiliasi dengan amazone yah model seperti template reseller, kalau template gallery yah template gallery.

Perhatikan Komentar yang Masuk

Saat berkunjung ke blogger gallery semisal atau, bagian bawah dari template tersebut biasanya berisi komentar. Kita tidak bisa mengatakan kalau template tanpa komentar tidak bagus, atau template yang banyak komentarya itu bagus. Coba perhatikan kandungan komentar yang masuk. Mereka marah, berterima kasih, atau mencela bahkan bertanya?

Analisa saya seperti ini:

- Komentar yang berisi ucapan terimakasih, berarti author tersebut sangat semangat sampai sampai mengucapkan terima kasih, atau dia sedang kebelet dan memang sangat membutuhkan design seperti itu atau yang lebih parah…dia sedang blogwalking. Ini tidak usah dijadikan acuan mengingat belum tentu anda membutuhkannya juga.

- Komentar mencela, marah dll yang sedarah. Bisa ditebak kalau template itu banyak masalahnya. Apakah tidak lulus cross browser atau designya yang terhambur…entah lah. Ini yang anda jadikan acuan. Kalau perlu jangan diambil.

- Komentar bertanya. Ini komentatornya yang tidak mengerti karena tidak membaca tutorial dari sang designer dengan baik atau karena memang tutorialnya tidak ada? Beberapa template memang memiliki instruksi instalasi yang lumayan rumit. Biasanya sih template rumit itu berbasis magazine atau portfolio yang menggunakan jquerry dan mootools. Kalau anda tidak yakin, jangan diambil.

Tested In Major Browser

Pastikan template yang kamu inginkan/gunakan sudah dites di browser besar semisal Mozilla FF 3 keatas, Opera 10, Chrome semua jenis, Safari semua keluarga, dan yang terpenting IE 7-8. IE sekeluarga itu yang paling perlu anda perhatikan mengingat dia biasanya menghancurkan tampilan template.

“Jika membuat template / theme dalam bentuk apapun buat seindah mungkin, tapi tetap terlihat rapi dan terbaca di web browser terjelek sekalipun. Karena kita tidak akan pernah tau web browser apa yang visitor gunakan, dan kita tentunya tidak bisa memaksakannya.”

Proses ini bisa dikatakan sebagai proses terpenting dalam menjelajah template gallery. Walau terlihat indah dimata Mozilla FF tetapi kalau Terhambur di IE sekeluarga, sebaiknya jangan diambil. Ini hanya bisa merusak reputasi anda sebagai blogger professional.


Perhatikan juga dari segi SEOnya. Apakah penempatan tag tag sudah dilakukan secara sempurna. Tahapan ini dinamakan semantic structure. Ada satu tools yang menarik yang bisa anda gunakan untuk menganalisa disain SEO friendly suatu template. Namanya Raven. Ada Versi trial nya loh ^.^


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Ok..sekian dulu. Kalau tidak sibuk berdiskusi dengan Google Adsense kemungkinan saya akan menulis tentang “Bagaimana Membuat Blogger Newbie Terlihat Profesional”

Friday, April 9, 2010

Heidi Montag Had Her Back Scooped?

I've been asked by several media outlets what Heidi Montag meant by having her 'back scooped.' While the media outlets are swirling around what type of unusual new plastic surgery this might be, I have a pretty disappointing but accurate definition: liposuction of the back of her hips.

This area, also known as the love handle, can be very effectively liposuctioned, creating a 'scoop' or concave effect. It's one of my favorite areas to liposuction since it can create such a nice contour that most women (and men) really like. Plus, the risk of unevenness in this area is pretty low, especially compared to the abdomen, which can get lumpy very quickly (just ask Tara Reid).

Yes, I scoop backs all the time. Sorry, Heidi, you're not special in this regard.

For a great MSNBC article on "back scooping", click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

FDA Warns Spas Against Fat-Melting Claims of Lipodissolve

Is Lipodissolve or mesotherapy safe? The FDA has recently issued a warning to six medical spas for making false or misleading statements that their fat melting injections are safe and effective, despite the fact that they've never been appropriately studied or approved by the FDA for this purpose. According to the US News and World Report:

Lipodissolve involves injecting small amounts of soy lecithin and bile salt directly into problem areas on the hips, waist, thighs, and buttocks, which supposedly melts away fat. The injections became wildly popular three years ago with spas opening up around the country and with doctors in every specialty—from pediatricians to dermatologists —taking weekend seminars to learn the procedure before opening fat-dissolving clinics.

Fat melting injections became popular a few years ago, but have since lost a lot of their hype. To date, no wide-scale scientific study has validated its safety or effectiveness, although some smaller case studies have shown some effectiveness with the injection of certain drugs to melt fat. The problem is that the majority of physicians who perform these fat-melting injections have the drugs made in a compounding pharmacy to whatever concoction they believe might work. There is no standardization, like in most other medications we take. In my area (metro Detroit) I don't know of a single reputable plastic surgeon who performs these treatments. Most of the doctors who perform these treatments are what I consider 'fringe' practitioners. I have seen patients who have lost fat from mesotherapy, however, so I do believe there is some validity to these treatments. They just need to be standardized and studied to make sure they are safe, effective, and at least somewhat predictable.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Heidi Montag Can't Jog?

In a recent interview with Ryan Seacrest, Heidi Montag has admitted that she can't jog due to the size of her breasts, since they are now an "E" or "F" size. She also revealed that her surgery was recorded for possible airing on a future reality show.

To Heidi: So, you can't jog?

Duh! Your implants are huge! Most insurances require 500 grams for a breast reduction to improve back and neck pain. Your implants are 700 cc, almost the biggest size they make. Of course you can't jog!

Why do we still care about her?

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Plastic Surgeon on Michael Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray, and Regulatory Reform

There is a very interesting article in the Huffington Post written by a board-certified plastic surgeon who shared a surgical suite with the late Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon. In it, he explains his thoughts on why Michael may have died (which appear to be refuted by the autopsy findings) and the responsibility that physicians and the lack of true health care reform share in contributing to his unfortunate death. While you may or may not agree with some of his opinions, it's definitely an interesting read. You can check it out here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Raquel Welch - No Plastic Surgery?

Raquel Welch was recently on the Oprah show making some pretty amazing claims. She denied going under the plastic surgeon's knife and instead attributed her youthful appearance to Yoga, a perfect diet, and three hours of makeup in the morning.

What do you think? I think she's a liar.

My opinion:
Her forehead hardly moves, likely frozen by a good amount of Botox or Dysport. Her brows are nicely elevated, possibly from a browlift. She shows none of the excess skin and puffiness of a 69 year old woman. I believe she's also undergone an upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her cheeks and lips are full, likely from a filler like fat grafting. Her neckline is way too sharp for a person her age who hasn't had a facelift. Finally, her nose looks overly chiseled, likely from at least one reduction rhinoplasty. If her looks are solely due to Yoga, diet, and makeup, then I'm one of Tiger Woods' mistresses.

Photo / story credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thank you and The End - APRIL FOOLS

I've been writing this blog for nearly four years now, and have had a blast doing it. I truly appreciate the thousands and thousands of readers who have left comments and regularly read my ramblings. Unfortunately, I've been threatened with a lawsuit from Carrot Top who took offense at my opinion on his appearance. For that reason (and others) I've decided to end my blog.
Starting today.
April 1st.

Gotcha :) (Yes, this was an April Fools Joke. You didn't think you'd get rid of me this easily, did you?)