Here is a video of a recent television segment I did exhibiting Botox injections to the armpits to relieve excessive sweating. My patient is VH1 reality star Prancer, who has been seen on Flavor of Love 3 and I Love Money 2. I have only seen bits and pieces of the latter show, but she's the absolute nicest person in real life. Check out her myspace page at
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Katie Price Has Large Breast Implants

Katie Price, otherwise known as Jordan, is a British actress / model who's known for her large breasts. As you can see in this photo from Cityrag she has some pretty big implants. According to Wikipedia, her breasts went from a B to an F but recently had them reduced back to a C. Although she hasn't become a big name here in the States, in the U.K. her net worth as a celebrity couple with her ex-husband was second only to Victoria and David Beckham (over $60 million!)
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett - Rest in Peace

Shocking and sad news today: Both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have died. Both are icons in their respective fields of entertainment. Although Michael's life has undergone an incredible amount of scrutiny over the last several years, I think no one would doubt the tremendous impact he's had on the face of pop music. His voice will be missed. Farrah will always be considered one of the most beautiful women of her time. Both have undergone their share of speculation about their plastic surgery. I guess it doesn't matter now. It's a shame that both are now gone.
Rest in peace.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Dr. Youn Presents Latisse for Eyelashes on Fox 2 Detroit Michigan June 2009
Here is a television segment I did that recently aired on the local Fox affiliate. We present a patient who tried Latisse. Check out her "spider-like" eyelashes!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mohon do'a restu dalam pernikahan kami..

Teman-temanku, rekan sahabat dan semua sodaraku. Dengan memohon Rahmad dan
Ridho Allah SWT, kami (Agus
& Lulu) bermaksud
menyelenggarakan Akad Nikah dan Resepsi Pernikahan yang insya allah akan
dilaksanakan pada:
Akad Nikah
Hari Sabtu Pon, 04 Juli 2009
Pukul 08:00 WIB
Bertempat di Jl. Aryojipang No.7 Ds. Janar, Nglanjuk
Cepu - Blora - Jawa Tengah
Resepsi Pernikahan
Hari Sabtu Pon, 04 Juli 2009
Pukul 13:00 WIB
Bertempat di
Ballroom 'Mega Bintang Sweet Hotel"
Jl. Ronggolawe No.103
Cepu - Blora - Jawa Tengah
Merupakan suatu yang sangat mulia bagi kami atas do'a restu dari rekan-rekan
semua. Untuk itu kami mengundang rekan-rekan agar berkenan bisa menghadiri
acara pernikahan kami. Atas kehadiran rekan sekalian kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Lihat juga blog pre Wedding kami di
Monday, June 22, 2009
Britney Spears - Breast Implant Reduction?

Some websites, including, are reporting that Britney Spears may have had her breast implants either removed or downsized. By the looks of recent photos this may very well be the case.
In my practice it is somewhat uncommon for women to considerably downsize their breast implants, but it does occur on occasion. Usually it's with older women who had large breast implants placed long ago and now don't want them so big anymore. Believe it or not, most women who have breast implants (at least the ones I put in) would get bigger than smaller!
To view a breast augmentation I performed on the Detroit Fox station, click here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dysport is Available!

The first real Botox competitor, Dysport, is finally reaching plastic surgeons' offices here in the U.S. We received our first shipment this week and I'm excited to bring this product to my patients. Like Botox, it's a Botulinum Toxin Type A and is FDA-approved to temporarily reducing the wrinkles in the glabella (frown lines). Doctors also use it off-label to treat wrinkles of the forehead and crows feet. It costs a little less than Botox, so hopefully it can provide an economic bailout for the 4 million+ Botox users across the country! Some people believe it works a bit quicker than Botox, although this can be disputed. To try it, call your local board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Quick Links - Victoria Beckham, Lauren Conrad, and The Top Surgery Blogs

Here are some quick links to take up a bit of your time:
1. Has Victoria Beckham (a.k.a. Posh Spice) had her breast implants reduced? Click here for photos from Hollywood Tuna.
2. Lauren Conrad on plastic surgery: "But you know what, I prefer a flatter-chested look, that’s just kind of me." Click here for the interview on Access Hollywood.
3. iScrub compiled a list of the top 50 surgeon bloggers. Click here for it.
4. Click here for three celebrities who wear Spanx. I find them to be nice Phase 2 post-liposuction garments too.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
byTagg sekarang mendukung Bahasa Indonesia

ByTagg merupakan salah satu tool favorite saya dalam urusan Rss Feed
Reader dan Twitter Reader, karena tools ini begitu mudah digunakan
serta terbilang sangat cepat dalam prosesnya. Untuk byTagg sendiri sebenarnya
sudah pernah saya ulas pada tulisan terdahulu, yang belum baca silahkan bisa
buka arsip sebelumnya
disini. Dilain cerita, saya sendiri sebenarnya memang ada keterkaitan
kerjasama dengan byTagg, dan hari ini byTagg resmi dengan dukungan bahasa
indonesia untuk mempermudah kita menggunakan aplikasi ini. Dalam hal ini saya
sendiri yang bertindak sebagai translator. Buruan download

Mungkin rekan berpikir kenapa harus menggunakan byTagg ya? terus terang tools
ini merupakan salah satu penyumbang Adsense dan trafik besar buat saya, karena
byTagg sendiri memiliki jenis program affiliasi yang terbilang unik. Bila
beberapa jenis affiliasi membayar kita untuk setiap kali mereferensikan produk
kepada orang lain, byTagg berbeda, kita dapat keuntungan dengan cara
merefer tools ini kepada orang lain yang mendownload langsung melalui link kita.
Sebagai imbal baliknya, kita dapat memasang iklan apa saja pada tools ini, bisa
berupa link Banner maupun Andsense. Semakin banyak download melalui link
affiliasi kita, semakin banyak user yang menggunakan byTagg, tentu akan semakin
maknyus hasilnya hehehe
Oh iya, untuk yang akan datang situs byTagg akan hadir juga dalam bahasa
indonesia dan rilis byTagg yang terbaru juga akan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas
show image pada Twitter, silahkan follow saja twitter byTagg
Special thanks for Bruno
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Celebrities With the Best and Worst Skin

There is a photo gallery of the Top 5 Celebs with the Best and Worst Skin on AOL I would have to agree with most of their assessments. My picks for the best skin: Cate Blanchett and Halle Berry (tie), worst skin: Lindsay Lohan.
In my opinion there are three things that are most important to having great skin as you age:
1. Wear sunblock and avoid excessive sun
2. Don't smoke
3. Hope that you inherited good genes
Some other suggestions include: Apply Retin A or Retinol creams, drink lots of water, avoid too much alcohol and fast food, and exfoliate. A good chemical peel also helps.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Memasang Widget Recent Post + (Thumbnails dan Comment Count)
Beberapa rekan mungkin sudah ada yang pernah memasang Widget Recent Post +
Thumbnails + Comment Count ini ya, bagi yang belum pernah tidak ada salahnya mencoba
memasang widget cantik ini yang saya ketahui pembuatnya bernama Kranti,
yaitu owner dari Kalo tidak salah dulu saya pernah juga menulis tentang
Recent Posts menggunakan Javascript, tapi yang terbaru ini rada beda, dimana
widget ini tidak hanya menampilkan recent post doank, tetapi juga dilengkapi
dengan penambahan fasilitas gambar dan juga jumlah komentar. Silahkan lihat
samplenya di

Ok tanpa banyak omonk langsung ke tutorial saja yoooo.
Untuk memasang widget ini caranya sangat mudah, kita tinggal copy-paste aja
semua kode dibawah ini, kemudian langsung paste aja dalam gadget
HTML/javascript (Tuju tab Layout - Page Elements - Add a Gadget - pilih
<script language="JavaScript">
imgr = new Array();
imgr[0] = "";
imgr[1] = "";
imgr[2] = "";
imgr[3] = "";
imgr[4] = "";
showRandomImg = true;
boxwidth = 298;
cellspacing = 8;
borderColor = "#ffffff";
bgTD = "#000000";
thumbwidth = 40;
thumbheight = 40;
fntsize = 12;
acolor = "#666";
aBold = true;
icon = " ";
text = "comments";
showPostDate = false;
summaryPost = 40;
summaryFontsize = 10;
summaryColor = "#666";
icon2 = " ";
numposts = 5;
home_page = "";
<script src=""
Apa saja yang perlu diedit?
boxwidth -
Ukuran Lebar Widget
cellspacing - Spasi
diantara cells
borderColor -
Warna Border
thumbwidth & thumbheight - Ukuran
lebar dan tinggi gambar Thumbnails
fntsize -
Ukuran Font pada title
acolor -
Warna title
aBold -
Tebal huruf pada title? (true or false)
numposts -
Jumlah recent post yang ditampilkan?
home_page :
(Ubah sesuai URL blog masing2)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dr. Youn on the Plastic Surgery Channel
A new website dedicated to plastic surgery, The Plastic Surgery Channel, has kindly featured me and this site on one of their video segments. It's only about a minute long, but if you're interested, check it out.
Hope you're having a great weekend!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Animasi gambar Opacity menggunakan jQuery
Postingan kali ini sebenarnya cuman memperbaiki tutorial sebelumnya mengenai
tranparansi gambar menggunakan CSS Opacity. Kok memperbaiki, emang ada yang
salah ya? sejujurnya gak ada kok, masalahnya hanya pada tampilan di
browser..dimana CSS opacity ternyata kurang begitu berjalan dengan baik
pada beberapa browser versi jadul, salah satunya di IE6. Selain itu efek animasi
yang ditampilkan juga kurang begitu mantap dan terlihat kasar. Nah sayang
banget tuh punya efek animasi gambar yang ok tapi gak support di browser lawas,
untuk itu kali ini saya coba mengenalkan efek animasi yang lain menggunakan
Opacity via jQuery.

Efek blur tranparansi yang ditampilkan menggunakan Opacity jQuery
ternyata lebih halus jika dibanding dengan Opacity CSS, dan sepertinya
juga support di semua browser, asalkan pada browsernya tetap mengaktifkan Enable
Javascript lho ya hehehe. Untuk melihat contoh efek gambar yang dihasilkan
jQuery silahkan langsung aja ke Blog baru saya
Free Blogger Templates
OK, langsung ke tutorial saja ya...
Buka halaman Edit HTML kemudian letakan script dibawah ini di bawah kode
<script src=''
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(".efekanimasi").fadeTo("slow", 1.0); // This sets
the opacity of the thumbs to fade down to 30% when the page loads
$(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.6); // This should set the opacity to 100% on
$(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0); // This should set the opacity back to
30% on mouseout
Contoh manual memasang efeknya pada gambar :
<img class="efekanimasi"
src="url alamat gambar"/>
Sebenarnya ada cara lain yang lebih mudah dimana kita bisa langsung
mengaktifkan efek gambar ini disemua image pada halaman posting. Caranya, copy
paste aja script dibawah ini, dan letakan saja dibawah kode
]]></b:skin> atau dibawah script yang sudah
kita masukan sebelumnya.
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(".post img").fadeTo("slow", 1.0); // This sets the
opacity of the thumbs to fade down to 30% when the page loads
$(".post img").hover(function(){
$(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.6); // This should set the opacity to 100% on
$(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0); // This should set the opacity back to
30% on mouseout
Good Luck :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Amanda Holden's Got Botox

Britain's Got Talent star Amanda Holden's Got Botox. She admits to undergoing Botox injections into her forehead and at the top of her nose in a recent article in the Daily Mail. According to the article:
'I could see the make-up artist having to cake over the creases around my eyes more and more and I just hated it. It was really starting to annoy me and once I'd noticed it, that was it. So I went to a place in South Africa for Botox and that was that.'
'It's like getting your roots done. I think as long as you don't go stupidly over the top...I can move my face.
'One day I'll look my age. Actually, that's a lie - I want to look like Joan Rivers. I don't see the point in growing old gracefully.'
I've only seen her on the YouTube videos where she judges Susan Boyle's amazing singing. She is a stunning beauty, I must admit, although this recent photo doesn't do her much justice.
Photo credit:
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Denise Richards Admits to Having Breast Implants

Denise Richards was on the Howard Stern Show last week and gave a very revealing interview in which she admitted to undergoing three breast augmentation surgeries. She stated that her first two surgeries left her too busty, so she underwent a third breast augmentation surgery and is now happy with the size of her breasts.
As you can see by the photo she looks great.
The second season of her reality show It's Complicated can be seen on E!. I saw a couple episodes of the first season and thought she was a complete train wreck, second only to Paula "Bipolar, manic-depressive" Abdul's show. I hear she was good in Starship Troopers, but I never saw it.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Menampilkan Gambar Transparan, Mouseover Effect
Ini maksudnya apa ya? ok, dari pada saya jelasin panjang lebar coba rekan
lihat dulu samplenya di, kalo sudah coba sekarang arahkan mouse ke gambar yang ada
dihalaman postingan..nah disitu rekan akan melihat efek dimana gambar yang
semula terang akan menjadi redup atau bisa juga sebaliknya dari redup menjadi
terang ketika dilewati mouse. Mungkin sudah cukup jelas maksudnya ya, langsung
aja ke bahasan selanjutnya :)
Cara kerja efek gambar transparan diatas tidak begitu sulit, yang kita
perlukan hanya memanfaatkan properti CSS Image Opacity. Namun sebelumnya
perlu juga diketahui property CSS opacity sebenarnya tidak termasuk dalam
standar CSS, dimana property ini hanya bekerja dengan baik pada beberapa
web browser modern saja.
Contoh mouseover effect dari redup ke lebih terang (diset langsung dalam

onmouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=40" width="320" height="240"/>
<img src="Url lokasi
simpan gambar"
onmouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=40" />
Contoh mouseover effect dari terang ke redup (diset langsung dalam gambar)

onmouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" width="320" height="240"/>
<img src="Url lokasi
simpan gambar" border="1"
Mungkin agak ribet juga ya jika setiap image harus diset satu-persatu
nilainya propertinya, nah agar setiap postingan rekan
langsung memilik efek ini secara otomatis, bisa langsung menambahkan kode CSS
.post img{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=1);}
.post img:hover{opacity:.5;filter:alpha(opacity=100);}
Setahu saya Firefox biasanya menggunakan property opacity:x untuk
melakukan tranparancy, berbeda dengan IE yang menggunakan
filter:alpha(opacity=x). Pada Firefox opacity:x nilai pada x
dapat diisi dengan value antar 0.0 -1.0 sedangkan pada IE
filter:alpha(opacity=x) nilai x antara 0-100.
Breaking News: sudah mencapai tahapan final, untuk desain
template sengaja saya buat khusus dengan memasang berbagai efek istimewa dan
beberapa teknik koding yang masih jarang digunakan di template yang ada selama
ini. Semoga cepat kelar ya..dan ditunggu juga untuk sumbangan template rekan lainnya.
Article on the Lifestyl- Lift and the Quicklift

There is a very well-written article on entitled : A Face From an Infomercial. It covers the recent emergence of mass-marketed mini-facelifts, such as the Lifestyl- Lift and the Quicklift. Here are some excerpts from the article:
Currently, 25 to 30 doctors receive patients through The doctors attended a one-day workshop priced at $1,950 (and sometimes a few other days of training) taught by Dr. Brandy, a cosmetic surgeon with a background in emergency medicine.
Sharron Bryant, a manager for Lindt Chocolates in Dallas, who got a Lifestyl- Lift in 2007, said she had a “high pressure” consultation and put down a deposit before meeting a surgeon. Ms. Bryant, then 59, paid $6,100 for a Lifestyl- Lift and chin liposuction. She never needed pain medication during her weeklong recovery, she said.
But she disliked the loose skin that remained on her jowls and neck. “I got nothing for the money,” she said. She later paid $8,200 for a traditional face-lift from a different surgeon.
On, a Web site where patients discuss cosmetic surgery, 37 percent of the 170 people who reviewed the Lifestyl- Lift said the procedure was “worth it,” while 63 percent didn’t think so.
I believe that you get what you pay for. I do not perform the Lifestyle Lift or the Quicklift. For the rest of the article, click here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Friday, June 5, 2009
Octomom Criticizes Kate Gosselin's Plastic Surgery

In a recent interview posted on Radar Online and Zap2It, Octomom Nadya Suleman criticizes Jon and Kate Plus Eight's Kate Gosselin:
Apparently, Suleman's main issue with the plastic surgery is because she herself has an easy time snapping back with her post-pregnancy body, so much so that her friends call her "rubberband." She calls Gosselin's method "cheating" and that the photos were "staged" and "desperate for attention."
In the same interview, Suleman says Gosselin probably also had a boob job and, "I personally don't like the shape of her body. It's a little boxy."
That's harsh, especially coming from a freak like Octomom. After seeing the photos above,I'd be shocked if Octomom's skin really rebounded as she claims. Octomom's probably just jealous because Kate Gosselin has stolen her spotlight. Who does she think she's kidding? Go away already!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Peluncuran Blog Baru Zoomtemplate.Com (Beta)

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya sempat menyampaikan informasi di status
Facebook bahwa dalam waktu dekat akan ada peluncuran blog terbaru dari saya.
Dari status tersebut ternyata banyak juga yang merespon dan penasaran kira2 blog
apa itu ya yang bakal saya luncurkan hehehe. Ok, saya jelasin dikit, sebenarnya
blog ini dibangun sebagai Blog Template Gallery yang bertujuan untuk
menampung Template buatan saya sendiri maupun template yang sudah dikirimkan
rekan blogger lainnya kepada saya. Sebenarnya sudah dari kemaren sih pengen cepat
di lounching, berhubung masih banyak kurang ini dan itu makanya baru sekarang
bisa di posting. Terus terang blog ini baru 70% selesai, jadi belum begitu
sempurna dimata saya. yah namanya juga blogger tetap aja gatal mau cepat
dipamerin hehehe
Yang jelas blog ini platform-nya masih menggunakan blogger kok, dan yang
paling membuat saya senang karena ada keberhasilan menanamkan teknololgi terbaru
dimana dengan teknologi terbaru ini ternyata dapat membagi style postingan
berdasarkan label tertentu, jadi antara artikel khusus tutorial dan yang khusus
show template akan berbeda tampilannya. Saya juga memasang fasilitas Star
Ratings pada setiap pilihan template biar lebih mudah untuk memberikan
penilaian. Berhubung masih dalam tahap uji coba mungkinmasih banyak
kekurangan..tetap ditunggu ya versi finalnya..dan jangan lupa segera
publikasikan template rekan
disini karena akan di segera dipajang pada Template
Silahkan sambangi aja langsung di
Silahkan berimasukan kritik membangun dan saran disana ya. saya sangat
menghargai sekali apapun masukan rekan semua. thanks
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Kate Gosselin in a Bikini After a Tummy Tuck

Photos of Kate Gosselin (Jon and Kate Plus Eight) are all over the internet. She's had a tummy tuck, and overall looks great, especially for as many kids as she's had. If you look closely you can see her scar (runs from hip to hip) which is the typical tradeoff of a tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty). There is also a circular scar around her belly button. The scar initially looks red for a year or two, but usually settles down every year until it is often a barely visible fine line.
Other celebs who have copped to a tummy tuck include Patricia Heaton and Dayna Devon.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Penghitung jumlah kata (Word Count) buat maen Paid Review
Yang suka maen Paid Review pasti pernah mengalami status penolakan
(reject) pada artikel hanya karena masalah sepele, salah satunya cuman masalah
dalam mengkalkulasikan minimal jumlah kata (Word Count). Kadang masalah
minimnya jumlah kata/huruf ini bisa jadi serius juga lho..kan rugi udah capek2 nulis tapi ujung2nya cuman direject hehehe. Masalah lain yang mungkin terjadi biasanya
kesalahpahaman antara kita (pengguna jasa) dengan penyedia jasa Content Writer yang memang menghitung pembayaran berdasarkan jumlah kata/huruf. Nah agar
tidak terjadi lagi kesalahpahaman, saya coba menyediakan tool sederhana yang
mungkin berguna untuk mengkalkulasikan banyaknya jumlah kata dalam tulisan.
Silahkan masukan tulisan yang ingin dikalkulasikan:
Catatan: perlu diketahui cara kerja tool diatas menghitung
berdasarkan jumlah spasi, jadi tetap perhatikan untuk letak spasinya ya, hindari terjadi double spasi.
Yah..walapun sederhana tapi cukup membantu khan, jangan lupa di
Bookmark ya siapa tau setiap saat berguna :)