Thursday, July 31, 2008
Laptop lagi sakit dan harus di rawat inap..
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Acupuncture Facelift?? Now I've Heard Everything!

An interesting article in Yahoo News describes a facelift being performed by acupuncture. Practitioners claim that it stimulates collagen production, lifts sagging skin, and is as effective as Botox.
But seriously, I know very little about this, although my mother has been trained in acupuncture and acupressure. She's used it on me on more than one occasion with variable results. I do believe there is real validity to some of its benefits which cannot be explained by science. That being said, I've never seen actual results from Acupuncture Facelifts, and would be interested to see some before-and-after photos. In the meantime, I will stick with actually putting something into the needles I poke a person with. If any readers have anecdotal stories about this, feel free to share.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Monday, July 28, 2008
Is something wrong with Janice Dickinson?

The Drunken Stepfather blog (NSFW) showed this photo of Janice Dickinson with a crooked mouth. While this is most likely just the expression she was making, it also resembles the appearance of a person who suffered a nerve injury during a facelift or liposuction of the jawline. In these situations, the nerve that causes the lip to pull down can become damaged, creating a crooked smile or frown. In 99% of cases this spontaneously resolves, usually within a few months, but can be permanent in extremely rare cases. This type of nerve injury is one of the most dreaded complications of a facelift. (Knock on wood) I've never seen one that was permanent, and am always vigilant to do everything I can to avoid it.
Hopefully, for Janice's and her surgeon's sake she's just looking silly for the paparazzi...
Thanks to the CosmeticSurgeryTruth blog for the link.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
New Launching - Blog Template For You
O-OM dan Kang rohman bekerja sama membuat satu blog yang khusus didesain untuk download blogger template. Isinya belum banyak sih, tapi ya sambil jalan saja. Semua kreasi template kang rohman dan oom akan di muat di blog, silahkan dikunjungi ya :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Blogger Layout : Almost Spring Blogger Version
Dapat kabar dari si Jacky via YM kalau Goggle bakal update PageRank langsung aja om cabut ke TKP, kemana lagi kalo bukan ke salah satu pentolan Google tepatnya blognya Mutt Cutts. Terinspirasi dari blog Mutt Cutts membuat om tertarik untuk membuat template yang sama. Template ini merupakan versi Wordpress buatan Becca Wei yang diberi nama Almost Spring , disini om mencoba melakukan converting dari wordpress ke Blogger. Ya sudah, tertarik mencoba Blog style yang sama digunakan Mutt Cutts di blogger anda?
Blogger Version
Wordpress Version
Bonus terpasang :
CSS dengan mode kompresi, Read More, Embedded Comment Form, Meta Tag Include, SEO Title Tag, Favicon Include, Komentar berbeda untuk pemilik blog, Emoticon Include dll.
Cara installasi :
Disarankan untuk membackup template dan dan isi element halaman terlebih dahulu.
Agar semua fasilitas berfungsi dengan baik, sebaiknya dilakukan secara manual (tanpa di upload) dengan melakukan copy-paste kode melalui halaman Edit HTML. (jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget).
Brigitte Nielsen Looks Better After Plastic Surgery

Brigitte Nielsen has re-emerged onto the scene after undergoing plastic surgery for a German reality television show. She underwent liposuction on her thighs, Botox, and a breast reduction. The 'after' photos show that the 44 year old ex-wife of Sly Stallone looks great. I wonder if she also underwent other facial plastic surgeries, such as a browlift, facelift, and eyelid lifts? It appears that way to me.
Why did a 44 year old age so prematurely in the first place? It's a possible combination of the California sun, smoking, drinking, and possibly a just plain unhealthy lifestyle.
As an aside, I am finding more and more that people who take really good care of themselves seem to heal from plastic surgery with considerably less swelling, less bruising, and even less discomfort than the average patient. I have a handful of patients in my practice who strictly avoid the Southeast Michigan diet of Coney dogs, deep dish pizza, and Better Made potato chips who have astounded me with their speedy recoveries from plastic surgery. For some reason, I doubt that Brigitte Nielsen would fit into that group. But maybe Flavor Flav...
Note: photo on the left is pre-surgery, right is post-surgery.
Photo and story credit: The Daily Mail
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Jenny Lee- Plastic Surgery "Enthusiast"

After Jocelyn Wildenstein, model /actress Jenny Lee may be the person most well-known primarily for her plastic surgery. It's rumored that she's had over 30 plastic surgery procedures performed on her, and she is planning many more in the future. She really does look like a human Barbie doll. She has an interesting "About Me" page on her website, where she explains her thoughts on plastic surgery.
She does not reveal who her plastic surgeon is. No, it's not me. I wouldn't do this much work on someone, even if it paid for my house (and my car and my son's college education). Maybe it's my friend Dr. Steve Svehlak (just kidding Steve!).
photo credit: , Maria Bernal Photography
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Horizontal Menu Navigasi
Yang sering berkujung ke blog om pasti sudah tidak asing
dengan horizonal menu navigasi. Nah tutor kali ini kita mencoba membuat menu
navigasi yang sebenarnya meminjam salah satu widget dari bawaan standar blogger.
Dengan sedikit sentuhan pada CSS, widget Linklist yang semula banyak digunakan
sebagai blogroll secara vertikal akan kita modifikasi menjadi menu navigasi
secara horizontal. Ya sudah, dari pada om cuap2 gak jelas langsung ke cara
pembuatan aja ya :)

Pertama masuk halaman Edit HTML, kemudian copi-paste semua
kode CSS dibawah ini lalu letakan diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
/*-- (Menu/Nav) --*/
#nav{background:#222; height:32px; padding:4px 0 0; margin-bottom:0px}
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#nav ul{position:relative; overflow:hidden; padding-left:0px; margin:0;
font:1.0em Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}
#nav ul li{float:left; list-style:none}
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padding:5px 4px; text-decoration:none}
#nav ul li a:hover{color:#800000; background-color:#fff; margin:0 5px;
padding:5px 4px}
#nav ul li a.current, #nav ul li a.current:visited, #nav ul li
a.current:hover{margin:0 8px; background-color:#fff; color:#fff; padding:5px
/*-- (Search) --*/
#search{background:#f9f9f9 url( 6px
2px no-repeat; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:10px;
-moz-border-radius-topright:10px; border:1px solid #b3b3b3; float:right;
height:25px; margin:0 0px 0 0; width:180px}
* html #search{margin-right:8px}
#search input{font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
background:transparent; border:0; color:#555; float:left; font-size:12px;
margin:5px 0 0; padding:0px 2px 2px 27px; width:140px}
Masih pada halaman Edit HTML kemudian cari kode
<div id='outer-wrapper'><div id='wrap2'> biasanya
kode ini terletak di bawah html tag <body> kemudian copi-paste semua kode
dibawah ini, dan letakan kodenya dibawah kode warna hijau
<div id='nav'>
<b:section class='header-tabs' id='header-tabs' preferred='yes'
<b:widget id='LinkList1' locked='true' title='Top Tabs' type='LinkList'>
<b:includable id='main'>
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<b:if cond='data:title'/>
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<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<b:loop values='data:links' var='link'>
<li><a expr:href=''><></a></li>
<b:widget id='HTML3' locked='true' title='Search' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
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<form expr:action='data:blog.homepageUrl + "search"' id='searchform'
method='get' name='searchform'>
<b:if cond='data:title'/>
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<input class='s' id='s' name='q' onblur='if (this.value == '')
{this.value = 'Cari artikel disini';}' onfocus='if (this.value ==
'Cari artikel disini') {this.value = '';}' type='text'
value='Cari artikel disini'/>
<input id='searchsubmit' type='hidden' value='Search'/>
Silahkan disimpan dan lihat hasilnya. oh hampir lupa..rekan
bisa menyesuaikan warna latar dan textnya sendiri ya :)
Untuk menambah menu, silahkan buka kembali "Elemen Halaman"
kemudian perhatikan widget paling atas, disitu sudah terlihat witget baru dengan
title "Top Tabs" silahkan klik edit dan tambahkan menu yang ingin
ditampilkan. Selamat Mencoba :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Getting Ready for Bathing Suit Season

There's not much new in the world of celebrity plastic surgery today, so I thought I'd give you some links to a series of TV segments I did for the local Fox 2 Detroit affiliate. We did a week of "Getting Ready for Bathing Suit Season" segments, focusing on minimally invasive ways to get your body ready for the beach. If you are bored and want to take up a few minutes, here you go:
Laser Hair Removal
Anti-Cellulite Treatments
Laser Spider Vein Treatments
Clay Peel for the Back (Back-ne)
Thanks to the crew at Fox 2 Detroit for including me in these segments!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sarah Jessica Parker - What's the Big Deal?

For some reason, the removal of Sarah Jessica Parker's chin mole has actually made news. Apparently she showed up to Yankee stadium without a nevus on her chin and the media has made a big deal out of it.
Ho hum, I take moles off all the time. Usually insurance actually pays for it, although not very much. Moles are rarely cancerous. Check out my post on John McCain if you want to know how to spot a dangerous mole. However, if you have any concern about a mole, have your dermatologist or plastic surgeon take a peek at it.
This would be bigger news if it was Cindy Crawford's signature mole.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
MyBrand (Pro) - Your FeedBurner Custom Domain

MyBrand (Pro) merupakan layanan gratis dari
, anda bisa menggunakan layanan ini sebagai alternatif domain pilihan menggantikan URL standar Feedburner anda, bagi yang terbiasa menggunakan jasa feedburner tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan format Feed standarnya. Sebagai contoh biasanya kita didipinjamkan dengan alamat nah coba
sekarang bandingkan jika menggunakan
terkesan lebih profesional dengan domain sendiri ya. Penarasan? lanjut....
Sebelum mencoba layanan ini, perlu anda diperhatian bahwa
mengganti alamat feed anda dengan domain sendiri bukan berarti anda kehilangan
pelanggan feed lama anda, setelah saya mencoba ternyata feed Url standar
feedburner masih bisa difungsikan, ini berarti anda memiliki dua alamat feed
pilihan dan anda bisa menggunakan salah satunya saja. Untuk setting pada
FeedBurner ikuti langkah dibawah ini:
- Silahkan login dahulu ke
Feedburner - Kemudian tuju ke My Account
- Lalu pilih MyBrand (Pro)
- Langsung tuju ke nomor 3, masukan nama alias domain anda (lihat contoh input
di gambar) - Jangan lupa di klik Save

Agar bisa mengaktifkan layanan MyBrand (Pro) pastikan
anda sudah memiliki alamat domain sendiri (tidak terkecuali untuk domain
gratis). Yang di butuhkan hanya melakukan setting pada Nama Alias (Cname
Record) pada DNS anda. Setting subdomain sudah pernah saya ulas pada
layanan Dnspark
disini atau pada layanan Free DNS lainya (EveryDNS
XNAME). Untuk input Cname Record bisa menggunakan nama alias
"Feeds" atau nama yang lain dan pastikan
arah record tertuju ke
Selamat mencoba, happy blogging with
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Aja Rock's Breasts - What's Going On Here?

Aja Rock is a famous New Zealand model and music artist. Here is a photo fo her with rocker Tommy Lee. What's going on with her breasts?
It appears to me to be a capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the result of excess scar developing around a breast implant, making the breast appear hard and round. If severe, the scar tissue can develop a separation from the normal tissue of the breast, which is what I think may be happening here.
Check out more of my comments in
For more on Aja Rock, click here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Friday, July 18, 2008
Percepat loading page dengan CSS Compressor
Teknik kompresi pada CSS paling tidak mampu meningkatkan performa
loading page blog anda. Disini bukan dalam artian super cepat ya, tapi
cenderung ke arah optimalisasi CSS. Jika kita bicara masalah kecepatan
loading page, CSS Compress ini cuma salah satu bumbu penyedap saja,
tidak ada cara sebagus apapun selain optimalisasi pada size image (jangan
dibandingkan dengan kecepatan koneksi internet dulu ya...kita anggap saja koneksi
yang kita gunakan sama).
CSS Drive - CSS Compressor merupakan salah satu layanan gratis yang biasa om
gunakan untuk keperluan ini. Yang menarik, tools ini menyediakan 3 level mode
kompresi berbeda yaitu Light, nomal dan Compact. Cara kerjanya, metode
kompresi CSS ini berusaha memperkecil ukuran dengan menghilankan spasi dan
komentar yang tidak diperlukan. Om sarankan untuk yang baru utak atik CSS jangan
langung mencoba mode Super Compact dan Strip All Comments..sebaiknya
gunakan mode Light dan don't strip any comments
terlebih dahulu. Untuk yang sudah mengerti bisa mencoba level kompresi
selanjutnya pada pilihan
Advanced mode.
Selain fungsi Compress tentu kita juga mengenal
mode Uncompress. Biasanya uncompress digunakan sebagai kebalikannya.
Sayang CSS Drive tidak memiliki fungsi ini, jadi om sarankan kita bisa
mencoba pada layanan ini
Cara Kompresi CSS pada Blogger:
(sebelumnya jangan lupa backup semua kode pada halaman Edit
Pada halaman Edit HTML, Code CSS biasanya terletak diatara
kode <b:skin><![CDATA[ dan
]]></b:skin> silahkan copy-paste semua
kodenya kemudian lakukan kompress pada tools diatas, jika sudah..copy-paste lagi
kode yang sudah di compress ke halaman Edit Html pada posisi semula. Selamat mencoba :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Alex Rodriguez - Do All His Women Have Plastic Surgery?

Do all of pro baseball player A-Rod's women have plastic surgery? A recent article in Make Me says so. Check it out here.
I was interviewed this week by In Touch Weekly magazine regarding Madonna's possible plastic surgery. Check it out in the upcoming issue.
Maybe A-Rod doesn't mind his women having some plastic parts? If that is the case, then maybe his next girlfriend will be Jocelyn Wildenstein!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
New Blogger Template : Elegant Style & SEO Friendly
New Blogger Template dengan konsep Elegant Style dan SEO Friendly. Di desain dengan style sederhana serta memiliki kecepatan loading page yang mengagumkan. Secara default template ini hanya 20% menggunakan image, selebihnya didesain menggunakan permainan warna melalui koding.
Bonus terpasang :
CSS dengan mode kompresi, Read More, Embedded Comment Form, Meta Tag Include, SEO Title Tag, Favicon Include, Komentar berbeda untuk pemilik blog, Emoticon Include dll.
Cara installasi :
Disarankan untuk membackup template dan isi element halaman terlebih dahulu.
Agar semua fasilitas berfungsi dengan baik, sebaiknya dilakukan secara manual (tanpa di upload) dengan melakukan copy-paste kode melalui halaman Edit HTML. (jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget).
Prevelle - Today for Tonight?

Mentor, a company best known for their outstanding breast implants, has recently released a new hyaluronic acid filler here in the United States. It's called Prevelle 'Silk,' and is the only hyaluronic acid filler available which also incorporates lidocaine (an anesthetic) into the product. The idea is that most patients who have it for enhancing the lips or filling in wrinkles do not need painful dental blocks to numb the area prior to injecting it. They also advertise that the product has little swelling and downtime, hence the slogan "Today for Tonight."
What's the drawback? Mainly the longevity of the product. Prevelle appears to last around 90 days or so, whereas the two most popular hyaluronic acid fillers (Restylane and Juvederm) can last 6 months or more. Prevelle is cheaper, however, and with the minimal discomfort associated with its injections, does seem to have a nice niche.
I would recommend it for people who want the following: Less reaction and swelling, less discomfort with injection, a cheaper price, and don't mind a shorter-lasting result.
To learn more about Prevelle, click here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Monday, July 14, 2008
Pharrell Williams and a New Way to Remove Tattoos?

According to, rapper and producer Pharrell Williams is planning on undergoing a new way to remove tattoos without scars. Here are some details:
a. This is an invasive procedure that requires skin grafting.
b. The patient has to give a sample of his skin.
c. This skin is then replicated in a laboratory.
d. Once this is done, the new skin is stitched over the tattooed one.
e. It does not leave any scars.
f. Once the skin is healed, new tattoos can be done on it.
g. This is a faster and less painful alternative.
Now, this sounds to me that they are planning to remove the old tattooed skin and replace it with a skin graft that was grown in a laboratory. The statement "It does not leave any scars" is the one I really question here. I have performed skin grafts many times before (such as on burn patients) but any skin graft patient will tell you there are scars involved. Just because the skin is grown in a laboratory doesn't mean that it won't create scars. Furthermore, one cannot place a skin graft over intact skin because it will just slough off if the underlying skin isn't removed first.
This whole thing sounds like a crock to me. Lasers are very effective with tattoo removal nowadays, just ask Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp (remember when he changed Winona Forever to Wino Forever? Doh!).
We don't do laser tattoo removal at my office, by the way.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Site Blocker "Anti Lendir" karya anak UGM
Hari ini jam 11 pagi perhatian om sempat tertuju pada acara
stasiun TV swasta yang menanyangkan masalah seputar Anti Perlendiran. Acara dengan
durasi 30 menit ini melakukan review pada salah satu putra bangsa yang mendapat
penghargaan atas keberhasilanya meraih Youth National Science and Technology
Award dari Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga.
Ahlul Faradish Resha, merupakan programmer dibalik pembuatan software
Site blocker yang meraih penghargaan diatas. Software buatan salah satu
mahasiswa UGM ini konon katanya mampu melakukan pemblokiran pada situs tertentu
terutama yang mengandung keyword Lendir. Jika kita perhatikan, Sebenarnya Site
blocker buatan Ahlul mungkin tidak jauh berbeda dengan software yang sudah
ada, namun Ahlul yakin software buatannya mempunyai kelebihan pada sistem
Pada situsnya Ahlul juga mengatakan, software yang berkerja
sebagai Client-Server ini dilengkapi juga dengan sistem SMS yang akan
mengirimkan SMS kepada admin jika ada klien yang mengakses situs lendir. Tentunya
fasilitas ini akan sangat menarik sekali misal “Jika diterapkan di Lab Komp
Sekolah", menarik juga ya untuk software gratis sebagus ini, Sayangnya software ini belum ada manualnya dan om juga belum
mencoba keunggulannya, silahkan di coba dulu aja ya.
Yah...semoga saja dengan hadirnya Software Site blocker
ini paling tidak bisa "sedikit" mengurangi akses kesitus yang
mengandung keyword lendir, terutama
bagi kalangan pelajar sekolahan dan orang tua yang memiliki akses internet
dirumah dan belum bisa mengawasi putra-putrinya secara langsung.
(yang penting asal situsnya
jangan diblokir langsung dari ISP kayak kemaren)
Software bisa download disini
Program Server |
Friday, July 11, 2008
Anna Kournikova does not have breast implants

“I’m not married, not pregnant, didn’t have a boob job, no Botox. What else?”
I'm not surprised. She's 27 and been blessed with great genes. While she is pretty attractive, I was always partial to Mary Joe Fernandez and Chris Evert. I guess this shows my age.
Quote credit:
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Guess the Chest! has a fun little "Guess the Celebrity Breasts" quiz. Can you name any of the celebrities whose chest is featured? I am embarrassed to say that I only got 4 right!
Click here to go to for the answers!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Selembar uang kertas dijadikan media promosi? Parah!
Promosi dengan menambahkan alamat blog pada brosur dan selebaran mungkin sudah biasa,
bagaimana jika anda
menemukan blogger yang melakukan promosi blognya dengan selembar uang kertas?
Om yakin kita pernah nemuin uang yang di corat-coret dengan
tulisan aneh, entah itu tanda tangan, nama pacar dan no HP cewek.
Tapi kali ini beda, lagi iseng aja om ngerapiin uang di dompet eh malah nemuin coretan alamat Blog pada selembar
uang Rp.10.000. Kalau tidak salah seminggu yang lalu,
sayang om gak sempat ngambil gambarnya dan om juga lupa alamat blog yang ditulis.

Kurang lebih seperti ini ilustrasinya. Lihat alamat blognya ya, bukan gambar
monyetnya :)
Entah apa tujuan pelaku, yang jelas cara ini tentu sajamelanggar hukum (mungkin lho ya om juga kurang ngerti). Lain hal jika kita bicara teknik promosi, layaknya surat edaran mungkin cara ini
termasuk viral promotion yang hebat, bayangkan hanya dengan menulis alamat blog,
uang kertas ini akan terus beredar dan melanglang buana kesana kemari. Tidak
peduli siapa yang membacanya..kalo sampai ke tangan tukang becak dan tukang
sayur mungkin gak ada untungnya, bila sampai ketangan blogger seperti kita
hehehe pikir aja sendiri, ibarat ada pesan "Don't Click Me" kok ya tetap
aja diklik, dasar manusia hihihi
Kira-kira dari tidakan dodol diatas pelaku bisa dilacak gak
ya? menurut om rada susah juga sih, sekalipun itu lewat sidik jari.
Silahkan aja kalo mau melacak jutaan sidik jari, tapi paling tidak bisa dilihat
langsung dari URL si target (ya..kalo gak hidden profile).
Ya sudahlah...lupakan cerita diatas, ini hanya pesan moral
aja, jangan pernah sekali kali mencoret-coret uang sendiri apalagi uang orang
lain :) nyarinya susah man!! kegiatan promosi itu untuk cari duit, bukan dengan
mencoret duit untuk promosi, sekali lagi jangan pernah mencoba teknik promosi dodol
Fitur lengkap dari Zoho Online Office

Sebagian rekan mungkin pernah mencoba aplikasi
Zoho Online Office, kalau
belum..coba kunjungi sekarang, pastinya banyak fitur menarik di dalamnya yang
bisa kamu gunakan.

Zoho merupakan aplikasi Online Office dengan
fitur terbilang sangat lengkap, kamu bisa menggunakan aplikasi zoho seperti
Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentatation, CRM dan masih banyak lagi.
Selain user interface mudah diikuti, beberapa aplikasi yang membuat saya
tertarik tertuju pada Zoho Wiki, Zoho Chat dan Zoho
Project. Ketiga aplikasi ini yang buat saya gak tidur tadi
malam, apalagi aplikasi chat dari zoho bisa juga di pasang diblog kamu, pastinya tambah cantik. Sambil otak atik sana sini, sempat ngantuk dan BeTe juga...untungnya
masih ditemani sahabat om
Kang Rohman dan
Mas Fariez jadi semangat
deh hehehe yuuu tunggu apa lagi segera ke TKP.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Free DNS Hosting Service via Xname

Sebelumnya pernah saya jelaskan setting Cname Record dengan meminjam layanan
Free DNS Hosting pada
DNSPark dan
EveryDNS, kali ini
saya coba jelaskan pada layanan DNS Hosting gratis lainnya Sebenarnya
setting pada DNS hampir sama saja,
yang membedakan hanya arah tujuan server. Pada Xname kita menggunakan
zona host Primary dan secondary | Sedangkan untuk input Cname Record bisa menggunakan nama alias
dan pastikan arah record tetap tertuju ke Untuk lebih jelasnya ikuti langkah setting dibawah ini:
1. Buat user baru
2. Silahkan mengisi form pendaftaran, lihat contoh dibawah:

3. Pilih menu "Create Zone" kemudian masukan nama domain, lalu pilih dengan
memberi tanda centang pada "primary" lalu tekan tombol create.

4. Bila input nama domain berhasil, klik link "modification interface",
sekarang tinggal melakukan input setting pada Cname Record.

Pada tahapan ini setting Cname Record Pada Xname sudah berhasil
Setting pada Domain Manage:
Setelah melakukan setting DNS, sekarang lakukan setting pada Domain
Manage, yang harus diingat setting pada domain manage biasanya berbeda,
namun rata-rata mempunyai setting untuk mengarahkan nama
domain ke server tujuan. karena saya menjelaskan menggunakan layanan maka nama server tujuan seperti dibawah ini:
Setting pada Blogger:
Pilih tab Pengaturan -> Publikasikan -> arahkan pada
"Domain Anda" kemudian masukan nama domain. contoh : atau
Contoh setting pada blogger:
Pada tahapan ini semua proses telah selesai. Selamat
mencoba :)
Meryl Streep and Heidi Klum Not Fond of Plastic Surgery

Both Meryl Streep and Heidi Klum have recently gone on record as being anti-plastic surgery. According to
“You'd be amazed how many men in the industry have gone down that road,” Meryl Streep observed. "I don't get it.” Streep revealed that true actors should realize that often more interesting roles come to the older set anyway. “The good thing about getting older is that when they do cast you it's often something interesting - you're no longer asked to be the beautiful leading lady,” she said. When actors aren’t hired just for their matinee looks they are given the chance to play roles that “examine all the idiosyncrasies people have.” Streep remained refreshingly free of believing in unattainable standards of youth and beauty. “I think you have to embrace getting older and celebrate life,” she advised.
According to, Heidi Klum stated:
There’s something odd when you’re 35 or 40 and ironed to the max. You change with time, and it’s fine. Everywhere there are these stand-up cards saying, ‘Have a little silicone while you get your roots done.’ I want to be the opposite of that.
It's easy for them to say that. One is arguably one of the greatest actresses of all time, and the other is a supermodel. I say, to each their own!
Photo credit: prphotos.comThanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Monday, July 7, 2008
Twingly "Spam - Free Blog Search"

Dari berbagai layanan spesialis blog search, mengklaim
dirinya sebagai mesin pencari pertama yang bebas dari blog spam (Free
Spam Blog Search). Twingly Blog search pertama kali diluncurkan pada Februari
2007 dengan beranggotakan 9 orang team. Dengan alasan yang sama, team ini
bekerja keras membangun mesin pencari yang inovatif dan sampai saat ini layanan
ini memfocukan diri menjadi layanan blog search engine terbaik di Eropa.

Jika membandingkan dengan
Google Blog Search,
layanan ini tentu masih kalah dalam jumlah index halaman. Namun twingly
memberanikan diri mengatakan jika jumlah blog yang diindex dalam database mereka
juga tidak sedikit. Terlebih kemampuan layanan ini dalam menyaring blog yang
dianggap sebagai spam tentu terlihat lebih unggul. Bagi anda yang focus
mencari informasi pada blog berkualitas, layanan twingly layak di coba.
Hal menarik setelah mencoba Twingly, ternyata
kita diberikan hak untuk berpartisipasi memerangi spam, tentu saja sebelumnya
harus terdaftar sebagai anggota twingly. Selain itu anda juga dapat memberikan
vote/nilai pada kualitas link yang anda temukan, terlebih anda juga bisa
melakukan subscribe to Rss berdasarkan keyword tertentu. Mantap :)
Bagi anda (blogger), layanan twingly jangan sampai
terlewatkan. Agar blog anda bisa terindex pada layanan ini caranya cukup mudah
yaitu dengan menginput alamat blog anda menggunakan
layanan Ping yang
sudah disediakan. Sebelum mem-Ping blog anda, saya sarankan sebaiknya coba search
dulu dengan keyword (sample) jika blog sudah terindex lupakan ping
diatas, pada kenyataanya hampir semua blog yang saya kenal sudah ter-index di layanan ini.
Dengan twingly, kita (blogger) dapat juga memasang widget dari hasil pencarian
sesuai dengan index keyword yang ingin ditampilkan. Yuuk tunggu apa lagi langsung saja ke TKP :)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Quick links
1. It looks like Australia has problems with phony plastic surgeons too. Click here.
2. Plastic Surgery Products magazine (of which I am on the Editorial Advisory Board) has a nice editorial about the current state of plastic surgery blogs. Click here.
3. For those of you unfamiliar with MTV's True Life television series, it is a documentary show which follows youths through various turning points in their lives. One recent episode featured two 20 year olds who had multiple plastic surgeries. According to the LA Times:
Yet when Rachael, her nose bandaged from the latest operation, softly said, "Hopefully I'll have the confidence to maybe complete the other goals in my life now, like being in Playboy and maybe finding a boyfriend," the show revealed the pathos lurking inside her synthetic nose-jobbed and implanted shell.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Friday, July 4, 2008

Silahkan mengisi catatan
kecil pada halaman testimonial. Beri masukan pada kualitas artikel dan
mengapa sahabat blogger memilih sebagai blog favorite. Terima kasih.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Who Has the Best Breasts in the Biz?

There is a great article on Colin Stewart's In Your Face blog which focuses on In Touch Weekly's Top 10 "Best Breasts" Poll. He analyzes each celebrity and whether or not they have breast implants. It's a nice read, and not just because he quotes me several times. Here's my opinion of whether each person in the top 10 have real or fake breasts.
1. Jessica Simpson - fake
2. Tyra Banks - real
3. Scarlett Johansson - real
4. Carmen Electra - fake
5. Lindsay Lohan - fake... I think.
6. Katherine Heigl - not sure
7. Audrina Patridge - who is she?
8. Jennifer Aniston - real
9. Megan Fox - tough call, but I think I know who may have done her rhinoplasty (good friend of mine)...
10. Beyonce Knowles - fake
For more in-depth analysis, click here for the article.
To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox News, click here.
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Css Dock Menu ala Macintosh
Pernah mencoba Dock Menu di komputer Macintosh? atau
paling tidak anda sudah pernah melihatnya. Kalo belum yo wes, yang jelas seperti gambar dibawah inilah contoh tampilan icon
Dock Menu. Dock menu layaknya di komputer MAC akan menampilkan efek icon bergaya aqua (Aquos), kita akan melihat perubahan size icon ketika mouse diarahkan ke bidang menu tersebut.
merupakan salah satu situs yang menyediakan open source untuk Css Dock Menu.
Dari sekian banyak contoh koding Dock Menu layanan ini yang menurut om
paling mudah penerapannya. Untuk sample tampilan bisa anda lihat
disini. Sebenarnya di situs ini sudah dijelaskan secara singkat tutorialnya,
tapi lebih baik om jelaskan saja lagi biar lebih mudah.
Ikuti langkah pemasangan Dock menu :
1. Download dulu file
CSS dock menu zip package.
2. Kemudian Unzip filenya terlebih dahulu.
3. Dalam folder JS ada 2 file
javacript (interface.js dan
jquery.js) dan pada folder images anda akan
menemukan file gambar, silahkan upload semua file tersebut ke host
directory masing-masing (om sendiri menyimpan filenya di,
kalo sudah silahkan buka kembali folder css-dock-menu,
ulangi lagi seperti langkah sebelumnya yaitu dengan upload file dan
4. Sampai disini proses upload sudah selesai, langkah
selanjutnya cara pasang di blogger.
Cara pasang di blogger:
1. Masuk ke menu Edit HTML, cari kode
<head> dan letakan script ini di bawahnya seperti ini:
<script src=''
<script src=''
<link href=''
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
Untuk warna pink diatas silahkan
sesuaikan dengan path directory masing-masing.
2. Masih pada halaman Edit HTML, cari code
</body> kemudian letakan file dibawah ini diatas
kode </body> seperti ini:
<script type="text/javascript">
maxWidth: 50,
items: 'a',
itemsText: 'span',
container: '.dock-container',
itemWidth: 40,
proximity: 90,
halign : 'center'
Langkah akhir tinggal ke proses pemasangan menu. Dock menu ini
bisa anda letakan diarea mana saja, bisa di elemen halaman blogger maupun di
halaman Edit Html. Untuk mudahnya anda bisa memasang langsung contoh penerapan
kode dibawah ini.
<div class="dock" id="dock">
<div class="dock-container">
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="home" /><span>Home</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="contact" /><span>Contact</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="portfolio" /><span>Portfolio</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="music" /><span>Music</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="video" /><span>Video</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="history" /><span>History</span></a>
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alt="calendar" /><span>Calendar</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img
alt="rss" /><span>RSS</span></a>
Warna merah diatas itu merupakan
link tujuan dan untuk warna pink diatas silahkan
sesuaikan dengan path directory masing-masing.
Untuk yang sudah mengerti programming tentu akan lebih mudah
lagi, anda bisa merubah sendiri code css dan javascipt maupun gambarnya sesuai
kebutuhan. karena ini tutorial untuk pemula jadi om jelaskan saja apa adanya.
Silahkan di kembangkan sendiri ya. thanks (
Is it worth it to operate on celebrities?

There is an interesting post from the Scalpel or Sword blog regarding the dangers of operating on celebrities such as Tiger Woods:
When a 32 year old soon-to-be billionaire superstar seeks medical treatment, I doubt he has to get a referral from his PCP or approval from an HMO pencil-pusher. But as the John Ritter case revealed, when a rich celebrity suffers a disastrous medical outcome, the potential liability far exceeds any insurance coverage or assets of the treating physicians.
Sure, the Orthopedist will get to prominently display a signed picture in his office waiting room of Tiger shaking his hand, and he will likely benefit from the prestige of having such a high-profile patient. And I'm sure Tiger will pay his bill in full. But what is a reasonable fee for taking on the enormous liability risk of treating such a patient?
This is even more true when the surgery being performed on the celebrity is plastic surgery. The Donda West case is an excellent example of that. Sure, her surgeon may have gotten some kudos for doing a nice job had things gone well, but since the situation ended poorly, his practice has now been devastated. Obviously other factors are in play in that situation as well. That being said, would I operate on celebrities? Yes.
Story credit: by way of
Photo credit:
Thanks for reading,
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: