Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Cityrag on Celebrity Plastic Surgery 2008 has a photo collage of celebrity plastic surgery in 2008. Many of these photos have been shown on this very blog, but a few of them are new to me. Which is the scariest? I would have to give my vote to Carrot Top. Click here for the site.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Selamat Tahun Baru 1430 H dan 2009 M
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Pixastic: Open Source Online Image Editor (Javascript Library)

Anda yang memiliki skill web programming dan berminat
membangun sendiri Free Online Image Editor berbasis Javascript, saya
sarankan wajib mengunjungi layanan
Pixastic. Pilihan pada
Pixastic (versi Beta) ini selain karena Full Open Source dan
dukunganya pada Javascript based, tentu saja saya melihatnya dari segi
kelengkapan komponen pendukung olah gambar yang terbilang sangat lengkap. Bahkan
sangat Powerfull untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi profesional sebagai penyedia
jasa olah gambar via Online. Untuk mencoba sample aplikasi yang dibangun
menggunakan Pixastic Javascript Library silakan klik

Sekilas tentang Pixastic
Pixastic merupakan Javascript Library yang
kembangkan oleh Jacob Seidelin dimana ia telah memutuskan untuk melepas
semua kode (istilah Open Source) kedalam sekumpulan library dibawah lisensi MIT.
Dengan memanfaatkan berbagai dari teknik yang sama yang digunakan oleh berbagai
aplikasi untuk memanipulasi gambar, pixastic bekerja dengan memanfaatkan elemen
HTML5 canvas yang saat ini hanya didukung sepenuhnya oleh Web Browser Firefox,
Opera dan Safari.
Kunjungi saja Pixastic untuk informasi selengkapnya pada
dukungukan browser dan filter yang tersedia. Terdapat juga berbagai potongan kode
yang menunjukkan bagaimana anda menggunakan Pixastic dengan jQuery.
Pixastic |
Dokumentasi Selengkapnya
News In 10 Seconds: Jangan lupa untuk mengujungi Komunitas Pemerhati Desa
Santan Kalimantan Timur Indonesia di
Dr. Youn's Top 9 Plastic Surgery Predictions for 2009

Here are #4-#1 of Dr. Youn's Top 9 Plastic Surgery Predictions for 2009.
#4: Nonsurgical Liposuction Techniques Run Rampant... As Do Disappointing Results. One of the hottest procedures today is nonsurgical liposuction. Cosmetic practices throughout the country are advertising fat reduction via injections (mesotherapy and Lipodissolve), external lasers, external ultrasound, and even by freezing the fat (called cryolipolysis). While these techniques sound intriguing, none have actually been proven to safely work...yet. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is currently conducting an FDA-approved study on Lipodissolve, with the initial results due in the near future. While the only proven way to safely and effectively remove fat is via liposuction, 2009 may bring considerable advances to some of these, so far, unproven modalities.
#3: Eyelash Enhancing Medication "Latisse" Hits Big in a Blink. Recently an FDA advisory panel recommended approval for this eyelash stimulating medication from Allergan, the makers of Botox. Peak sales are estimated to reach $500 million, as this treatment will be the only one of its kind. I expect Allergan will see huge profits from this topical medication, as will the physicians that dispense it. And people will walk around with Tammy Faye Baker eyes...
#2: Stem Cells are the Future in the U.S., but the Present in Other Countries. Stem cells are currently all the rage in potentially curing cancers, developmental abnormalities, and other medical problems... but are they the future for plastic surgery as well? Actually, stem cells are currently being used by some pioneering (and some reckless) surgeons outside the U.S. Dr. Vincent Giampapa introduced a stem cell facelift in France back in October and a handful of surgeons are performing breast enhancement with stem cells in Japan and Europe. So will we see stem cells being used by plastic surgeons in the U.S. in 2009? Not likely. The FDA is cautious with allowing procedures like these to be performed here in the States, and with good reason. Scientists need to prove that the use of stem cells for indications like these is safe and effective before allowing patients to undergo it. Until then, Americans will need to travel abroad for these extremely controversial treatments.
And finally we reach...
#1: Botox-Competitor Reloxin will act as an Economic Bailout for Millions of Botox Users in 2009. FDA approval for Medicis's cosmetic botulinum toxin Reloxin is expected sometime in the new year. This may prove to be a relief to patients and plastic surgeons who have been forced to buy Botox at increasing prices each year. I currently charge my patients $650 for Botox injections to three areas, and the price of the Botox product itself accounts for at least half of that charge. Reloxin will be the first legitimate Botox competitor to challenge Allergan's monopoly on this market, and hopefully bring prices down for the most popular cosmetic treatment in the U.S. It can end up being an economic bailout for the millions of people who undergo cosmetic botulinum toxin treatments several times a year.
So there you have it! Dr. Youn's Top 9 Plastic Surgery Predictions for 2009. I'm interested to hear if you think I missed anything! (And don't comment that the plastic surgery market will suffer due to the economy. This is not a prediction, but an expectation...)
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Favikon: Image Resize/Crop untuk Favicon

Setelah mencoba layanan baru dengan nama
Favikon, saya menemukan cara yang lebih mudah untuk mendesain favicon dimana kita bisa mengatur sendiri resize dengan
melakukan image crop langsung pada gambar dengan ukuran apapun tanpa
harus menyesuaikan ukuran gambarnya terlebih dahulu. Cara menggunakan layanan
Favikon terbilang sangat mudah, anda tinggal upload saja gambar dengan pilihan format PNG, GIF atau JPG, kemudian meng-Crop gambarnya lalu menyimpan hasilnya. Untuk lebih jelas cara memasang favicon di blogger sudah pernah saya bahas
Dr. Youn's Top 9 Plastic Surgery Predictions for 2009

I hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend! I have looked into my crystal ball and compiled my list of Dr. Youn's Top 9 Plastic Surgery Predictions for 2009. Here are #9-#5:
9. Plastic Surgery Vacations will become more and more popular. As the nation undergoes a dire economic recession, greater and greater numbers of people will pack their sunblock, passports, and ice packs as they combine plastic surgery and vacations. Americans will travel to Mexico, Brazil, and even India in an attempt to save money and look better. This trend will unfortunately bring about an unprecedented number of disturbing complications, as people bring their botched results back to the U.S. for American plastic surgeons to treat. The lucky ones will come back looking both rested AND younger.
8. Fat, from both from animals and people, will become a new Green resource. I've already reported on the renegade Beverly Hills radiologist who used liposuction fat to power his SUV to work each day. With the continued push toward "green" energy, scientists and some physicians will continue their work on Biofuels, with liposuction fat on the periphery of this trend. No, I don't plan on ever doing this.
7. Sculptra will gain FDA approval as a liquid facelift for the general population. Sculptra is currently only FDA-approved for treatment of HIV-associated facial wasting. Sculptra has been used in Europe for many years under the name Newfill, and is the only injectable filler that can produce generalized volume replacement in the face without excessive cost. With the realization that facial volume loss is an integral component of the aging process, this treatment may take center stage in the fight against facial gauntness.
6. 2009 will bring with it a plethora of new extreme, bizarre, and unusual plastic surgeries. 2008 brought us such plastic surgery oddities as cosmetic leg lengthening, the G Shot, the Boob Jab, and the Acupuncture Facelift. I expect fringe medical practitioners to do the same in 2009. Can we expect to see actual rib removal to thin the body, removal of the omentum (fat around the intestines) to decrease a protuberant tummy, or tummy tucks performed at the time of C-sections? Time will tell.
5. Will Gummy Bear Implants Boost Busts in 2009? In November 2006 the FDA lifted the ban on silicone gel implants... at least the fourth generation ones. Since then plastic surgeons and patients in the know have been waiting for FDA approval of the form-stable, "gummy bear" breast implants. These are the firm, textured, tear-drop shaped implants that are made to retain their shape and not conform to the shape of surrounding tissues. They are already in widespread use throughout many other countries in the world. Will the FDA approve these implants for general cosmetic use in 2009? Thousands of plastic surgeons and patients hope so.
Tomorrow I will post the rest of Dr. Youn's Top 9 Plastic Surgery Predictions for 2009. Stay tuned! Same bat time... same bat url.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
MyCSSMenu: Online CSS Menu Generator

Wow kren!! ini kesan pertama setelah saya mencoba layanan
Online MyCSSMenu,
bagaimana tidak, hanya dalam waktu sekitar 15 menit saya sudah bisa mendesain
menu yang ciamik sesuai keinginan saya. Sangat berbeda dengan layanan
StyledMenus yang siap pakai yang pernah saya bahas sebelumnya. Dengan
MyCSSmenu anda tidak perlu menguasai tehnik programming HTML dan CSS yang
rumit, cukup ikuti saja petunjuknya. Selain itu anda diberikan kemudahan untuk
mementukan beberapa jenis pilihan menu, bisa menu vertikal dan horizontal dan
beberapa pilihan menu lainnya. Jika menu yang ada pilih sudah sesuai tinggal
klik tombol saja "Customize Menu" untuk mengeditnya. Simple yah :)

Mungkin anda berpikir layanan CSS Menu Generator
sejenis ini kan banyak bertebaran? Yups benar, tapi saya berani mengatakan
aplikasi MyCSSmenu yang baru di lounching tahun 2008 ini sangat berbeda
dan layak untuk dicoba. Bila anda masih belum puas dengan CSS menu generator versi
online ini, saya sarankan juga mencoba CSS menu generator versi Dekstop
(Offline) yang pernah dibahas sahabat saya
kang Rohman di sini. Selamat mencoba :)
Merry Christmas!

God bless,
Pixlr: Mengedit Photo Secara Online

merupakan Free Online Photo/Image Editor berbasis Flash dimana anda dapat
menggunakan layanan ini secara gratis. Dilihat sekilas Pixlr sangat mirip
dengan antarmuka Photoshop, anda yang terbiasa dengan Photoshop pasti
menyukai aplikasi ini. Banyak hal yang bisa anda lakukan dengan Pixlr,
berbagai dukungan aplikasi seperti Support layer, adjust, filter dan
aplikasi basic editting tools, saya rasa Pixlr sudah terbilang lengkap untuk
aplikasi olah gambar via online.

Untuk membuka file gambar ada dua cara yang bisa anda gunakan,
bisa langsung melalui file dari komputer anda ataupun mengimportnya dari alamat
URL. Bila pekerjaan anda sudah selesai, silahkan menyimpan hasil gambar langsung
kedalam komputer dengan format file JPG atau PNG.
Layanan ini juga
support multi bahasa, namun sangat disayangkan bahasa Indonesia belum termasuk
didalamnya. Silahkan mencoba aplikasinya
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Gratis Download koleksi Icon Rss Feed

Banyak sekali cara mengundang pembaca blog anda agar mereka
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Terpikir dari hal ini saya mencoba mencari dan memilih lalu mengumpulkannya
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blog atau web site anda. Kalo tidak salah ada sekitar 31 set koleksi icon yang
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Sumber : |
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Quick Links

Here are some quick links for you to check out while I prepare my next post. Check them out for your celebrity plastic surgery fix.
1. There is an amusing site called Nicole Kidman's Forehead. Can you believe someone started a blog focused only on her forehead? Click here to check it out.
2. Socialite Life has a photo gallery of prominent celebrities who have had (mostly bad) plastic surgery. There are some regulars here (Lara Flynn Boyle, Kenny Rogers) but also some unexpected ones (Calista Flockhart, Ray Liotta). Click here to check it out.
3. The first face transplant in the United States has been performed at Cleveland Clinic. 80% of her face has been replaced by the face of a cadaver. Can you imagine what it would be like to look into the mirror and see someone else's face? Click here for the article from
Photo source : Nicole Kidman's Forehead
Thanks for reading,
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Monday, December 22, 2008
CodedPreview: Solusi Page Previews untuk Design Templates

Cukup satu baris kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan layanan
CodedPreviews "The first dedicated service for creating preview pages for
your design templates!", Kalimat yang menerangkan "layanan pertama yang
didedikasikan untuk menciptakan halaman preview untuk desain template anda",
merupakan solusi yang baik untuk mempermudah webmaster menampilkan hasil
desainnya tanpa harus upload gambar berukuran besar secara manual. Benar-benar
sangat efektif untuk solusi biaya murah dan tanpa harus membebani kapasitas

Sebagai programmer, pemilik layanan ini (Mr. Seb Silas)
mengatakan, dia menciptakan layanan ini karena sudah merasa kesal dengan proses upload gambar secara manual melalui FTP hanya untuk menunjukan page preview berupa
srceenshot desain template kepada pembacanya. setuju sekali dengan pemikiran ini..jujur saja, proses upload file gambar yang besar cuma buang2 waktu saja :)
Sekali lagi, layanan Coded Previews ini sangat cocok
untuk menghindari sekaligus mengalihkan kapasitas simpan gambar pada hosting
anda. Nah, untuk anda pengguna platform blogger boleh2 saja mencobanya, yang jelas aplikasi ini sepertinya tidak begitu banyak berpengaruh, jadi abaikan saja hehehe
Sunday, December 21, 2008
StyledMenus: Koleksi Css Menu Navigasi

Sebenarnya banyak sekali contoh
menu navigasi yang bisa anda temukan di search engine, tapi tidak semua menu
yang anda temukan juga kompatibel dengan semua web browser (termasuk dalam
platform blogger). Nah, biar anda tidak perlu pusing-pusing mencari pilihan CSS Menu, saya menyarankan anda untuk mengunjungi layanan

StyledMenus merupakan kumpulan Style Css Menu
navigasi yang didesain menggunakan kode CSS dengan gaya professional.
Ada sekitar 20 lebih pilihan menu navigasi yang bisa anda gunakan untuk
blog anda. Cara menggunakannya juga tidak begitu rumit, anda tinggal memilih
saja contoh menu Css-nya kemudian mendownloadnya lalu memasangnya kembali diblog anda.
Cara menggunakannya di blogger:
1. Pilih menu CSS dan download, kemudian extract file zip
2. Biasanya ada 3 file, CSS, HTML dan satu folder image
3. Upload semua file yang ada dalam folder image ke hosting
anda atau tempat biasanya anda menyimpan gambar.
4. Ada 2 cara menggunakan kode CSS, bisa diupload di hosting
lain atau langsung memasangnya di antara CSS kode dalam halaman EDIT HTML.
<link href=""
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Kode diatas untuk memanggil kode CSS jika di host dialamat
5. Jangan lupa menyesuaikan alamat lokasi gambar yang ada
dalam kode CSS
6. Cara menggunakan menunya
<div id="menu">
<li><a href="#" class="red">home</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="orange">about us</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="yellow">services</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="green">solutions</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="blue">contact us</a></li>
7. Silahkan simpan pekerjaan anda dan lihat hasilnya :)
Oh iya, om mengucapkan terima kasih buat sahabat blogger
Syamsul Alam yang sudah mereview blog om
disini. silahkan disimak ya :)
Putting Vanity (And Botox) On Hold