Sunday, May 31, 2009

Surgical Roulette - Risks of Surgery with a Phony Plastic Surgeon

The Times Publication has an outstanding article chronicling the story of Dr. Peter Normann, an Arizona-based Internal Medicine and Emergency Room specialist who masqueraded as a plastic surgeon. In a span of seven months three unsuspecting patients died under his care. The article highlights the unfortunate and shocking stores of several of his victims. It's a fascinating read. From the article:

While the cosmetic horror stories described by the patients of Peter Normann represent some of the most egregious in the state's history, research shows they are part of a larger and growing danger of ill-equipped and inadequately trained plastic surgeons performing invasive cosmetic procedures.Normann, an emergency room and internal medical physician, was never certified as a plastic surgeon. In other cases, some Valley physicians certified to practice as gynecologists or even ear, nose and throat doctors have been found to be practicing cosmetic surgery, many with little more experience than a weekend training course.
The results are patients being left scarred, disfigured, and in three of Peter Normann's cases, dead.

In response to the growing number of phony plastic surgeons, the Arizona Medical Board released a Guide to Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon. You can find it here.

Even here in Metro Detroit there are numerous physicians who are performing plastic surgery with little more than a weekend course's training. If you are thinking of having plastic surgery, make sure your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. All members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, so this is a good place to find a plastic surgeon for you.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Haylie Duff - Plastic Surgery?

Has Haylie Duff had plastic surgery recently? It appears so. Check out the new photo on Celebrity Smack, and compare it to the photo here. She appears to have had a reduction genioplasty, or surgery to reduce the projection of the chin. Her nose also appears to have been tweaked via a rhinoplasty. Overall I think the nose looks great, but the chin may have ended up a bit on the smaller side. I'll be interested to see how she looks when more photos come out. Hopefully it won't be a PR disaster like her sister Hillary Duff's veneers.

For the Celebrity Smack article, click here.
Photo credit: prphotos (from 2007)

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Minima Green Fragmentary Blogger Layout

Kali ini dapat kiriman Template Blogger dari rekan Aris Asmara owner

Template blogger ini merupakan hasil pengeditan dari template Minima.
Ditampilkan berwarna hijau (green) dan bagian konten tetap dipertahankan dengan
warna putih. Yang membuat unik template ini adalah elemen posting, komentar dan
sidebar terbagi dalam bagian yang terpisah-pisah (fragmentary), dimana elemen
sidebar dimodifikasi menjadi 3 kolom. Dari penjelasan di atas, maka tidak salah
apabila template blogger ini diberi nama "Minima Green Fragmentary".

Minima Green Fragmentary memiliki struktur padat, sehingga memudahkan anda untuk
memasukkan berbagai widget/gadget dari berbagai posisi elemen. Pengguna template
ini juga sedikit memerlukan keahlian untuk mengatur keserasian serta
keseimbangan perataan widget/gadget, terutama pada sidebar yang memiliki 2 kolom.


Support Template Minima Green Fragmentary:

1. Meta tags SEO friendly (o-om)

2. Favicon included (o-om)

3. Horizontal Navigation plus Search box (kang rohman)

4. Readmore + Title Post included (o-om + kang rohman)

5. Emoticon (o-om)

6. Highlight author comment (o-om)

7. RSS reader and email included

8. Penomoran Label dengan icon & bergaris bawah putus-putus ready (o-om)

9. Google translate

10. Recents posts and Recents Comments (o-om)

11. 125 x 125 ads banner (o-om)

12. Follower

13. Bottom widget 3 column ready (o-om)

14. Bottom animation include

15. Sidebar 3 column

16. Uncustomizable font and color

17. Zoom image style + show image text include

18. Click the label showing the post title only (o-om)

19. Dropcaps (Huruf besar awal posting) include (kang rohman)

Pengen hasil karya template anda direview di Silahkan simak caranya


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reese Witherspoon Eats Cookies to Look Younger - Nutricosmetics

According to an interview with In Touch Weekly magazine, Reese Witherspoon has been eating cookies which claim to have anti-aging properties. According to Pop Crunch:

The Walk The Line star is rumored a huge fan of beauty giant BORBA’s DeLuscious Vitamin Enhanced Cookies, which claim to combat fine lines and wrinkles.
The tasty treats come in different flavors including Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Toffee White Chocolate, and boast more than nine minerals and vitamins.

These cookies are commonly known as nutricosmetics, or foods believed by some to have anti-aging properties. Many of them have anti-oxidants and are packed with vitamins and minerals. Some examples include Borba's skin balance gummy bears and age-defying water. While it's big business overseas, nutricosmetics (or nutriceuticals) have not become as big a hit here in the U.S., although some high end stores do carry these types of foods.

What's my opinion? I think that virtually anything you eat that is good for you (fruit and veggies=good, fat fried salty foods=bad) will help keep you looking younger. That's common sense. I once worked with a plastic surgeon who loved Burger King. He ate Whoppers all the time and his face was a greasy mess. I bet if he changed his diet he'd look much better. I often see this in my patients. The ones who don't drink, don't smoke, stay out of the sun, and eat good foods look younger than the ones who do all of the above.

It's just that they might not have as much fun in life...

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Website Monitoring yang handal via
merupakan layanan khusus yang menawarkan cara terbaik bagi anda yang memerlukan
sistem website monitoring yang cukup handal. Layanan yang dikemas dalam
satu paket monitoring all in one ini sangat berguna bagi anda serius dalam
memantau segala hal yang berhubungan dengan website terutama jika anda ingin
mendapatkan laporan secara berkala jika  status server anda mengalami
Downtime dan Uptime.

Mungkin ini alasan utama mengapa anda harus memantau situs dalam rangka
menjaga kredibilitas pada setiap kunjungan. Solusi dari Binary Canary
benar-benar menawarkan pilihan menarik untuk mengurangi status downtime hampir
ke titik nol. Laporan demi laporan dalam bentuk statistik akan anda terima
secara berkala, sehingga anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut dan mengurangi jika
situs anda mengalami Downtime.

Cara kerja layanan ini sebenarnya sederhana, selain memiliki fasilitas Alert
message pada pilihan laporannya, anda hanya perlu memilih layanan apa saja yang
akan ingin anda monitoring, melakukan sedikit konfigurasi dan setelah itu
menentukan siapa saja yang berhak menerima laporan. Pesan Alert message ini bisa
dikirim melalui Email, SMS, SMS Gateway dan Phone Call (Cooming Soon).

Bisa disimpulkan layanan
website monitoring
ini sangat membantu bagi pemilik website dan operator.
Jadi tunggu apa lagi, walaupun aplikasi ini berbayar senilai $5/bulan anda masih
bisa kok mencoba versi gratisnya :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Youth Knows No Pain - Plastic Surgery Documentary

Set your TiVo's folks! Filmmaker Mitch McCabe has created a documentary on the current state of plastic surgery, premiering at 9pm EST August 31st on HBO. Screenings before this premiere include:

Cinevegas Film Festival : Saturday June 13, 6:30pm, and Sunday June 14, 10am.

Silverdocs Film Festival, D.C. area. Friday June 19, 3:30pm, Sunday June 21, 6:30pm.

Los Angeles: Sunset Gower Studios, June 30th, 7pm

Here's the lowdown:

In YOUTH KNOWS NO PAIN, an age-obsessed daughter of a plastic surgeon (filmmaker Mitch McCabe) takes a journey through America's $60 billion a year anti-aging world. In this Alice-in-Wonderland tale, McCabe spends 2 years traveling across America visiting doctors, experts and lives with a cross-section of characters from Minnesota to Texas who've gone to varying lengths to "beat the clock", to paint a funny but troubling portrait of a country that desperately needs to stay forever young. Along the way, one wonders if the filmmaker herself hasn't been pulled in by the seduction of youth.

"Youth Knows No Pain" is an alternately wry and unsettling journey across that grey zone where physical appearance meets self-esteem. Mitch McCabe has assembled for the film a remarkable group of individuals who collectively reveal that there's a deep discomfort running through the heart (and body) of contemporary America."
-Richard Peña, Program Director, Film Society of Lincoln Center

For more information on Youth Knows No Pain, click here for their Facebook page.

Special thanks to Mitch McCabe.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Michael Jackson - Does He Have Skin Cancer?

The newest Michael Jackson rumor circulating on the internet is that he may be getting treated for skin cancer. According to the Sun:

A source said: “Michael’s tests showed spots of skin cancer on his body, and cells which could turn to skin cancer on his face... He was at first very concerned, but says he has been assured by the doctors that they can treat this and he will recover... Michael is really looking forward to his concerts and is determined to wow his fans at each and every gig... He said he’s insisted that any treatment must fit around the concerts, and the show will go on.”

Jacko, who has been seen making regular visits to his Beverly Hills dermatologist wearing a mask and surgical cap, received the shock diagnosis last month.

The most common skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma, which almost never spreads to other organs or kills people. If left untreated, it just tends to get larger and larger. Pre-cancerous cells can often be treated without surgery.

For all you MJ fans, I bet that he'll be just fine.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

ByTagg: Cara Mudah Men-Track Blog Favorite Anda

ByTagg bisa dikatakan sebagai solusi terbaru
yang berguna untuk mempermudah kita mem-follow halaman blog favorite.
ByTagg juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur fungsionalis yang yang memiliki
kemampuan sebagai Feed Reader, Twitter Reader dan dapat juga digunakan sebagai
Search Engine. Setiap kali kita melakukan pencarian, maka setiap kata kunci yang
digunakan akan simpan dalam tag tertentu, cara ini tentu saja untuk mempermudah
kita melakukan pencarian dilain waktu.

Selain itu jika kita memiliki alamat blog,
dapat kita manfaatkan sebagai cara efektif untuk beriklan. Dimana tools ini juga
memiliki fitur program Affiliate. Caranya kita tinggal memasang saja kode
pilihan Link atau Banner yang sudah disediakan. Ok nya lagi kita juga diperbolehkan memasang
iklan banner dengan size gambar 234x60.

Untuk saat ini ByTagg telah tersedia pada Sistem Operasi Windows, kemungkinan
yang akan datang tersedia juga untuk Linux dan MAC.

Silahkan Download langsung Aplikasi ByTagg disini

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Study Reveals that Thread Lifts Don't Work

A new study published in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery comes to the conclusion that Thread Lifts, a popular type of lunchtime facelift, just don't work. Here are some details:

- 33 patients who underwent thread lifts were compared to 10 patients who underwent other surgical procedures.
- Follow-up averaged 21 months.
- On a scale of 0 (no improvement) to 3 (considerable improvement), those patients undergoing thread lifts scored lowest, showing only 0.3-0.5 degrees of improvement.
- For those patients who underwent traditional surgical procedures, their scores ranged from 1.5-2.3.
- The authors conclude that the improvement seen by thread lifts at 1 month were likely due to swelling and inflammation.
- The authors conclude that thread-lifts carry a high risk of complications, while extensive scarring may make it difficult to remove the threads, which is problematic because studies have found up to 20% of patients need a repeat surgery.

I do not perform thread lifts because the results I've seen from even the most respected plastic surgeons have been unimpressive. Most physicians who perform thread lifts are not real plastic surgeons, but cosmetic surgeons who learn the procedure in a course. There is no real substitute for a well-done facelift or mini facelift (in selected patients).

For more information on the threadlift study, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

DMAGZ Personal Wordpress Template

Kali ini dapat kiriman Template Wordpress dari rekan blogger Yoki Dhinata
owner dari


DMAGZ PERSONAL adalah theme (tema desain) gratis untuk blog self hosting dengan
blog engine WordPress. Theme ini merupakan versi minimalis dari theme DMAGZ 2
yang saat ini digunakan oleh Majalah Blog DHINATACOM. Berbagai fitur dan
layout disesuaikan agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan blogger. Langkah pertama untuk
menggunakan theme ini adalah silahkan BACA dokumen ini sampai habis sebelum
menggunakannya pada blog Anda.

Karena instalasi cukup rumit, DHINATACOM merekomendasikan theme ini untuk
pengguna WordPress tingkat medium-advanced, tidak untuk pemula.

Download via



+ Desain unik, rapi, dan modern ciri khas majalah versi cetak

+ Multibrowser. Dapat ditampilkan dengan baik pada browser modern seperti
Firefox, Opera, dan Internet Explorer. Tampilan terbaik adalah pada browser
Firefox 3+.

+ Mendukung penggunakan Gravatar untuk author dan komentator

+ Mendukung engine WordPress 2.7+

+ Ada 10 Warna berbeda pada header dan judul artikel yang dapat berubah secara

+ Tetap optimal untuk SEO


+ Ada yang mau menambahkan?


- Waktu load homepage mungkin akan lebih lambat bagi yang memiliki koneksi
Internet lambat.

- Instalasi theme bagi blogger newbie (pemula) mungkin akan cukup sulit karena
harus sedikit memodifikasi skrip PHP dan CSS sesuai dengan kondisi blognya.
Tenang.. gak susah banget kok :D

- Tidak ada widget sidebar pada versi ini :)

- Tidak ada slot banner pada versi ini, namun tetap dpt dibuat secara manual

- Tag coding yang agak aneh hehehe.. harap maklum :)

- Ada yang mau menambahkan?


1. Edit file [style.css] pada baris ke 12. Sesuaikan URL gambar background cover
blog Anda. Gunakan gambar background dengan warna dasar gelap/tua dengan ukuran
800x600 px, tidak boleh kurang/lebih. Usahakan ukuran file background tidak
lebih dari 50 kb.

2. Edit file [panelcover.php] pada baris ke 61-82. Sesuaikan URL kategori dan
nama kategori yang sesuai dengan blog Anda. Jika ada baris yang tidak terpakai
silahkan dihapus.

3. Jika ingin menggunakan Google Analytics, letakkan skripnya pada file [footer.php]
pada baris ke 12 dan [index.php] pada baris ke 67.

4. Skrip widget/chicklet feedburner, feedblitz dan alexa dapat Anda letakan pada
file [panel.php] dan [panelcover.php].

5. Jangan lupa isi identitas Anda pada halaman profile di dashboard wordpress.
Isi semua kotak termasuk "Biographical Info" karena deskripsi penulis akan
ditampilkan pada halaman artikel (single.php).

6. Masuk ke dashboard blog Anda, lalu telusuri halaman [Reading] yang ada pada
bagian [Setting]. Ganti pilihan [Blog pages show at most] menjadi 8. jangan lupa
klik tombol [Save].

7. Jangan menggunakan judul artikel yang terlalu panjang karena sedikit banyak
akan berpengaruh pada desain template

Pengen hasil karya template anda direview di Silahkan simak caranya


Monday, May 18, 2009

Lisa Rinna Opens Up About Her Plastic Surgery

In a very frank, revealing interview on the Today Show, actress Lisa Rinna has admitted to silicone injections in her upper lip. She admits to having it done 23 years ago during the time of the movie Beaches. Like injectable silicone often does, it got hard and she's had to have steroid injections to the upper lip to soften it up. She also admits to having Botox and Juvederm injections. The Juvederm is especially evident in the obliteration of her nasolabial folds - the lines between the corners of the mouth and sides of the nose- and her plumped up cheeks. Finally, she admits to having had a breast lift, which she really feels she benefitted from.

It's always nice to see a celebrity be frank and open about his or her plastic surgery, whether good or bad. I speculated that she had a Gortex implant in her upper lip, which is another type of permanent implant like silicone. Unfortunately, the only way to remove liquid silicone is to cut it out. Ouch.

For streaming video of the Lisa Rinna Today Show interview, click here.

Photo credit:
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Perbaiki Posisi Ranking di Search Engine via Automatic Backlinks

Automatic Backlinks
menawarkan suatu konsep baru untuk bertuker link yang ditujukan bagi para
Blogger (bukan platform), Webmaster dan SEO Profesional. Dengan konsep sistem link exchange yang semuanya dilakukan secara otomatis, layanan ini
benar-benar memberikana kemudahan dalam hal tukar menukar link dan mungkin cara
ini salah satu cara terbaik untuk memperbaiki posisi Web/Blog anda dimata search
Engine (SERP).

yang saya ketahui bekerja berdasarkan "Link Credit", dimana
semakin banyak link yang anda tampilkan dihalaman anda, maka akan semakin banyak pula
jumlah kredit yang anda peroleh, tentu saja imbasnya anda akan semakin banyak
mendapatkan jumlah backlink. Jika anda memiliki nilai Page Ranking yang cukup tinggi,
ini tentu saja sangat menguntungkan, karena anda akan memperoleh lebih banyak
Credit tentunya. Jika nilai Credit anda tidak terlalu mencukupi, jangan kawatir..anda
dapat membeli nilai Link Credit ini lagi, dimana untuk 1 link Credit dihargai
sebesar $1 (USD) dan sistem pembayaran bisa menggunakan PayPal.

Sayang sampai saat
tulisan ini dipublish ternyata layanan ini belum mendukung untuk Platform
Blogger. Namun anda jangan khawatir, karena

cukup berkerja dengan baik pada beberapa Platform diantaranya Wordpress, Joomla,
Drupal, .Net dan PHP.  Tunggu apalagi? yang penting layanan ini Gratis dan
layak dicoba :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Hottest and Newest in Plastic Surgery... From the Las Vegas Strip

Last week I attended the annual Aesthetic Plastic Surgery meeting in Las Vegas. Here are some highlights of the newest and hottest things you may soon see (or are seeing) in plastic surgery:

1. Fractional Lasers are everywhere. It seems that nearly every laser company is plugging its fractionated laser. These are basically lasers which are similar to the old CO2 lasers, but instead of focusing on all the skin, they only focus on tiny spots at a time. This causes less downtime and discomfort, but does it create similar results? Time will tell.
2. Will we someday be able to apply Botox as a cream? A company is working on a cream containing a botulinum-type toxin which may work similarly to Botox when applied. This is technically not Botox, but a botulinum-like cream. It is still in the development phase.
3. BodyJet - Water-assisted liposuction. The maker claims that it is less invasive and has less discomfort. Only a handful of surgeons currently have this machine. Is it a flash-in-the-pan or a new device with legs?
4. Removing fat without surgery - I covered this at length on the Rachael Ray Show. Two big players are Liposonix and Ultrashape. Neither is FDA-approved, and likely won't be for some time. There is one other device I am looking into however...
5. Smoothshapes - This is a new anti-cellulite treatment which combines laser with mechanical massage. I don't have any experience with this machine, because I own a Dermosonic anti-cellulite machine instead. I think there are many effective ways to treat cellulite, and these are two of the most prominent. Click here to see a segment I did with the local Fox News affiliate on treating cellulite.
6. Ulthera - This is an ultrasound machine that can target its energy to heat up the platysma (neck muscle) in order to tighten it and therefore create a nicer neckline. The results look promising, but it is still under investigation.
7. Cosmetic Gynecology - There was some interesting discussion on this topic, since many plastic surgeons and gynecologists are entering this new "field." I have absolutely no desire to perform cosmetic gynecologic procedures. A prominent gynecologist weighs in on this subject on his blog here.
8. Rumored to be coming to plastic surgeons' offices soon: Gummy bear implants! This is both a good (great implant for a select group of patients) and bad (hopefully quack cosmetic surgeons won't try to put these difficult-to-place implants in). If they are placed poorly, they can turn upside down and slide around, causing major cosmetic problems.

Much of the meeting focuses on how to improve our plastic surgery techniques, which would be boring for most of the readers of this blog. I always find it a great learning experience to see how other plastic surgeons perform similar surgeries, as I strive to continually improve my technique and results. Thanks to the ASAPS for putting on a great meeting.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Page Peel Efek menggunakan jQuery & CSS

Kalo tidak salah dulu saya pernah nulis tutorial tentang iklan bergaya Page
Peel ya? coba buka arsip dulu...nah ketemu :) oh iya ternyata ada 2 tutorial

berbeda yang pernah di publish, yang pertama untuk tampilan menggunakan style

Page Ear Javascript
, trus..sama ini yang kedua

Sexy Curls jQuery Plugin
. Nah, buat rekan yang rada asing dengan istilah Page
Peel, silahkan buka kembali arsip terdahulu pada kedua link diatas ya.

Ok lanjut, nah kali ini saya menemukan Page Peel terbaru buatan
dengan koding yang tentu saja sangat berbeda dengan kedua Page
Peel diatas,  Sohtanaka tidak menggunakan setup koding yang
rumit, jadi rekan tinggal langsung memasangnya saja dihalaman blog. Walaupun
masih ada
sedikit yang harus diedit, itupun hanya sekedar mengubah tampilan gambar
dan link tujuannya saja. Bila dilihat sekilas, untuk style tampilannya hampir
sama saja, dimana ketika kita mengarahkan mouse pada area PagePeel ini, maka
akan terlihat halaman menggulung layaknya anda membuka selembar kertas dan
menemukan halaman lain dilembar sebaliknya. Lihat demonya


Cara Pasang:

Letakan script code jQuery dibawah ini diatas kode <b:skin><![CDATA[

<script src=''

<script type='text/javascript'>


//Page Flip on hover

$(&quot;#pageflip&quot;).hover(function() {

$(&quot;#pageflip img , .msg_block&quot;).stop()


width: &#39;307px&#39;,

height: &#39;319px&#39;

}, 500);

} , function() {

$(&quot;#pageflip img&quot;).stop()


width: &#39;50px&#39;,

height: &#39;52px&#39;

}, 220);



width: &#39;50px&#39;,

height: &#39;50px&#39;

}, 200);




Kemudian letakan kode CSS dibawah ini diatas kode ]]></b:skin>

#pageflip {

position: relative;

right: 0; top: 0;

float: right;


#pageflip img {

width: 50px; height: 52px;

z-index: 99;

position: absolute;

right: 0; top: 0;

-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;


#pageflip .msg_block {

width: 50px; height: 50px;

overflow: hidden;

position: absolute;

right: 0; top: 0;

background: url( no-repeat
right top;


Letakan kode ini dibawah tag <body>

 <div id='pageflip'>

<a href=''>

<img alt='' src=''/>

<span class='msg_block'/>




Silahkan disimpan dan lihat hasilnya. Ingat! Tampilan diatas hanya sebagai contoh saja ya, rekan bisa mengganti gambar dan
link tujuan apa saja sesuai keinginan. Silahkan langsung dicoba :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bruce Jenner Has Another Facelift

Kim Kardashian has confirmed that her step-dad Bruce Jenner has had his second facelift. According to

"Twenty five years ago, Bruce was ill-advised by a doctor to have a partial facelift and a nose job," Kim writes. "Unfortunately, the result wasn't what Bruce had hoped for and for years since then he has been the victim of cruel taunts from the media."

"Since he's turning 60 in October, Bruce felt it was time to correct the mistakes made by the previous doctor so he went to a new doctor for a second facelift," she continues. "The results are amazing! Bruce looks better than ever and he is extremely happy with the result. Make sure you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians next Sunday to see what Bruce went through for his new look!"

I always thought he'd had his nose whittled down too much. Hopefully the corrective work will make him look less 'operated on' and more masculine. Bruce does seem like the most sane one of the bunch in that reality show. Unfortunately, in the above picture he looks like he was just ridden hard and put away wet!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Copy Style Blogger Template

Template Design by Arry Eka Setiawan |
Copy Style Blogger Template merupakan template yang mengusung konsep
minimalis. Didesain mirip dengan tema Copyblogger untuk Wordpress, template ini
memberi kesan elegan dan bersih untuk blog Anda. Dengan tampilan yang putih,
template ini sangat cocok untuk blogger yang menjalankan photoblog, penyuka
typography dan personal, karena template ini mudah untuk dikustom.

Default template yang menggunakan 80% text dan koding CSS ini akan
mempercepat load page blog dan karena itulah pengunjung akan nyaman dan tidak
terganggu oleh lamanya loading yang menyebabkan merek beralih dari blog Anda.
Dalam Copy Style sudah dipasang kode meta tag untuk judul, keyword dan deskripsi
yang akan menjadikan blog Anda lebih bersahabat dengan search engine, terutama
Yahoo. Standar Blogger Hack yang sudah ditutorialkan oleh o-om seperti Numbering
Comments, Highlight Author Comment dan lain-lain sudah diterapkan dalam template
ini. Dan yang penting, Anda akan mendapat full support dari Author.

Demo Site

Berikut beberapa fitur dari Copy Style Blogger Template:

1. Favicon support.

2. Numbering Comments

3. Highlight author comments

4. SEO-friendly meta tags

5. Emoticon Included

6. Recent comments and recent posts

7. Read More feature

8. 125 x 125 ads section

9. Built-in search box

10.Social Bookmarking Buttons.

11.Navigation Bar Ready

12.RSS Ready

13.Customizable style

Pengen hasil karya template anda direview di Silahkan simak caranya


Monday, May 11, 2009

Angelique from I Love Money 2 - Go Away!

Continuing with the theme of over-the-top reality show contestants... VH1 just ended its series I Love Money 2, which has as one of its stars a French stripper named Angelique. With her idiotic statements, overinflated trout pout, and watermelon-sized breast implants, she singlehandedly sets the women's lib movement back thirty years. Hopefully Americans will never have to see her ever again!

Yes, I know this is harsh, but I'm partial to Metro Detroit's own Prancer, whom Angelique verbally assaulted on the program. Unlike Angelique, Prancer's quite down-to-earth, fun, and personable. Check out her MySpace here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Publikasikan Template Blogger dan Wordpress Kreasi anda di O-OM.COM

Rekan punya desain template made in sendiri namun mempunyai kendala
mempublikasikannya? jangan kuatir, sekarang saya mencoba membantu
mempromosikannya langsung dengan melakukan review spesial di blog

Syarat dan ketentuan:

1. Template menggunakan platform Blogger atau Wordpress dan wajib
memiliki preview demo template yang sudah jadi.

2. Template harus buatan sendiri dan bukan template hasil creator lain.

3. Tema, Title dan Deskripsi template harus jelas dan tidak mengandung unsur
SARA dan Pornografi.

4. Jika template hasil mengedit dari template lain, tolong tetap memasukan
credit link sumbernya..

5. Template bebas publikasikan ulang ditempat manapun.

6. Disarankan menulis sendiri deskripsi minimal 2 paragraf dari template yang
akan dipublikasikan.

7. Template yang dipublikasikan di wajib dipasang link credit
dengan title Published by:

8. berhak menolak, membatalkan dan menghapus review jika template
tersebut dirasa bermasalah.

9. GRATIS! tidak ada biaya sedikitpun yang harus rekan keluarkan :)

Ketentuan dan syarat dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa konfirmasi terlebih

Tunggu apa lagi sobat :) segera kirim desain template terbaik kaliansekarang
juga. Silahkan kirim via mail ke oom[at] atau via private message

. thanks

Cara import Wordpress ke Blogger

Dua bulan yang lalu team blogger telah meminta tanggapan langsung dari
pengguna blogger diseluruh dunia mengenai
ide produk
yang paling diinginkan langsung oleh penggunanya, dimana mereka (team blogger)
setidaknya telah menerima kurang lebih 60.000 suara dari 2500 pengguna dan 1500
mengenai saran2 yang berbeda, tentu saja salah satunya ada suara hehehe
*kacian deh suaranya gak laku wkwkwkw

Dari banyaknya suara yang diberikan, ternyata blogger benar2
mendengarkan apa yang kita diinginkan, walaupun sebenarnya pemberian
tanggapan ini ditutup sekitar 2 hari lagi tepatnya tanggal 14 mei 2009, ternyata
blogger telah merespon beberapa aplikasi yang mungkin paling banyak diminati, kalo tidak salah ada sekitar 6 fitur yang sudah ditanggapi
langsung oleh pihak blogger, coba simak saja berita selengkapnya di

blogger buzz

Salah satu fitur yang paling menarik perhatian saya tentu saja pada
cara  mengimport blog Wordpress ke Blogger.
Mungkin ini aplikasi yang
paling kita ditunggu2 selama ini ya. kalo dulu bisanya cuman import Blogger
ke Wordpress
nah sekarang sudah kebalikannya nih dimana kita juga bisa
import Wordpress ke Blogger.

Caranya? langsung kunjungi alamat ini saja ya


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kombinasi banyak feed dalam satu URL feed via Jumbra

Sebelumnya saya pernah menjelaskan bagaimana cara termudah menggabungkan
banyak feed kedalam saru feed URL
menggunakan layanan
Feedweaver. Nah kali ini
saya coba lagi memberikan alternatif lain yang cara kerjanya hampir sama saja dengan
Feedweaver yaitu menggunakan layanan

Berhubung penjelasan kedua layanan ini hampir sama saja, jadi saya rasa tidak
perlu lagi menjelaskan panjang lebar keuntungan dan kegunaannya. Yang membedakan
kedua layanan ini hanya pada sistem account-nya saja, dimana Feedwaever
menggunakan sistem account database sendiri dan Jumbra meminjam account dari
Google App Engine. Silahkan simak saja kembali arsip lama tentang Feedweaver


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mapmotive: Melihat lokasi teman Facebook anda dalam Google Map

Pernah terpikir untuk melacak semua lokasi teman href=""
target="_blank">facebook dalam lokasi tertentu misalkan anda ingin melihat teman facebook anda dalam satu kota yang sama dengan anda atau hanya sekedar ingin melihat lokasi teman lainnya yang sudah tergabung sebagai teman anda, silahkan cek saja dengan salah satu aplikasi facebook dari Map Motive.

Map Motive yang saya ketahui bekerja dengan cara melihat lokasi dari profile dari semua teman facebook anda, kemudian aplikasi ini berusaha menentukan lokasi, tempat lalu
menayangkannya langsung menggunakan sistem pemetaan pada Google

Setiap pemetaan tertata dengan sangat rapi, ini ditandai langsung dengan avatar kecil dari wajah teman2 anda yang ditampilkan pada setiap kota dalam negara. Selain itu anda dapat juga melihat lebih rinci setiap lokasi dengan cara memperbesar peta pada negara, kota bahkan sampai ke lokasi jalan jika memang memungkinkan. So, silahkan dicoba saja :)

Annina from Big Brother UK

This is a photo of Annina, a participant in television program Big Brother in the UK. As you can see, her breast implants are excessively large, and her skin even looks a bit mottled in her breasts and chest. Sometimes skin that is this color can signify poor blood supply to the tissues and can increase her risk for implant and skin-related problems. My advice to her would be to downsize her breast implants, have a breast lift, and avoid smoking and tanning.
Or she could just leave well enough alone.
For an even more shocking photo on Awful Plastic Surgery, click here.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hidetext: Mengubah Text dan Alamat Email ke Gambar

href="" target="_blank">Hidetext
merupakan cara termudah dimana kita dapat mengubah format text dan
alamat email langsung kedalam format gambar. Cara ini diyakini mampu
mengurangi dan menyembunyikan text dari program2
sejenis spider search engine (termasuk googlebot) dan beberapa
program href=""
target="_blank">mail grabber
yang biasa berusaha mencuri informasi alamat email kita.

Hidetext memiliki dua pilihan untuk mengubah text menjadi gambar. yang
pertama kita bisa melakukan konversi banyak text kedalam gambar yang
support hingga 100.000 karakter. Opsi yang kedua memungkinkan
kita mengubah alamat email kebentuk logo sesuai dengan
layanan email yang kita gunakan. So silahkan dicoba saja :)

Unknown Title..

Sudah hampir seminggu lebih tidak ada postingan terbaru di blog ini ya,
biasanya minimal 3x seminggu selalu saja ada postingan yang segar2 dari, berhubung memang minggu2 ini banyak style="font-weight: bold;">perjalanan wisata
keluar kota, dimana saya harus nyetir sendirian melintasi banyak kota
yang tersebar sepanjang
daerah Jatim dan Jateng, trus ditambah lagi demam href=""
yang makin menjadi-jadi saja, makanya blog ini semakin rada jarang tersentuh :(

Jujur saja, sebenarnya pengen sekali cerita panjang lebar perjalan
wisata saya kemaren, berhubung hampir semua cerita tidak penting ini
sudah saya tayangkan langsung di Facebook makanya sudah
terlalu basi untuk saya ulas kembali huhuhuhu. ini salah satu poto penampakan diambil langsung menggunakan camera amatir dipantai pacitan *halah PD mode on wkwkwkw

Ya sudah segini aja dulu, postingan kali ini sebagai pemasan saja,
silahkan ditunggu postingan berikutnya. So
keep stay tune on OK.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Carrot Top, Vegas, and Meetings

I've just returned from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery annual conference in Las Vegas. It was held at Mandalay Bay, and was chock full of the newest in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery. I'll post some of the 'hottest' and 'newest' trends in a future post.

I had the pleasure of spending some time with two plastic surgeons whom I went to residency with, Dr. Sanjiv Kayastha and Dr. Terry Higgins. Dr. Kayastha practices outside Albany, New York, and Dr. Higgins (who has been mentioned on this site once before) practices in Vegas. Both are outstanding surgeons, and if you live in their area they would definitely be the people to see!

In between attending meetings and seminars, I did spot one celebrity dining at the table next to us Monday night: Carrot Top. He was there with a couple friends and kept to himself. Wow, is he striking. That red fro combined with muscles galore makes him a sight to behold!

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Little Botox for Paula?

For all of you American Idol watchers out there, this photo of Paula Abdul from does appear to show some Botox working well to prevent wrinkles between her eyebrows (the glabella). It looks like she's trying to grimace but can't. This is exactly what Botox (or Dysport) can do to prevent the "11" sign between the eyebrows.

Go Adam Lambert!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Daryl Hannah - Plastic Surgery? has a post on Daryl Hannah's possible plastic surgery. She looks puffy and completely unlike herself. What a shame. Unless she used permanent fillers like Artefill (bad) or Silicone (worse), most of the changes should get better with time. I've always considered her to be very attractive, especially when she starred in one of my all-time favorite movies Roxanne.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Miss California Carrie Prejean's Breast Implants

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, supposedly had her breast implants paid for by the Miss California USA pagaent. This is according to Shanna Moakler, co-executive director of Miss California USA.

In an interview with "Access Hollywood," Billy Bush asked Moakler, "Did you guys pay for it?"
"Yes," Moakler responded. "We did."
"It was something that we all spoke about together," Moakler said referring to herself, Prejean and Keith Lewis, Moakler's co-executive director. "It was an option and she wanted it. And we supported that decision."

Moakler, a former Miss USA herself, defended the organization's decision to pay for the implants, telling "Access" that it's a common practice in beauty competitions.
"Breast implants in pageants is not a rarity. It's definitely not taboo. It's very common. Breast implants today among young women today is very common. I don't personally have them, but you know — they are," she said.

The above photo appears to show a pair of breast implants which create a round look in someone with little breast tissue to cover them. They are very tasteful in size, though.


Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.