Thursday, October 30, 2008

Breast Implants for the Olsen Twins?

According to an online source, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen have gotten into an argument about getting breast implants. Click here for the story if you are interested in these two billionaires.

I've never understood the enduring interest in these two. I still see them as two little babies from Full House.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Migrasi AOL Journal ke Blogger

Berita terbaru mengenai penutupan layanan
AOL Journal saat ini membuat
penggunanya khawatir akan nasib journal mereka. Membantu penggunanya tetap dapat berbagi pemikiran secara online, AOL telah bekerja sama dengan Blogger. Rencana ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kelancaran agar penggunanya bisa tetap eksis.

Blogger mendukung fitur yang paling diharapkan AOL Journal, pengguna nantinya
diharapkan dengan mudah melakukan impor semua isi Photo, Video, Posting dan
Komentar. Agar proses import ke
Blogger dapat dilakukan. Selama proses migrasi, jika anda pengguna AOL Journal Private, anda
perlu mengubahnya terlebih dahulu ke Journal Public.

Untuk memulai migrasi AOL Journal ke Blogger, anda dapat langsung menuju halaman
silahkan baca dan ikuti instruksi
selanjutnya disana.


12 Year Old Boy Scouts Volunteer to Give Women Breast Exams

12-Year-Old Boy Scouts Volunteer To Give Women Breast Exams

This funny video is from the Onion. Check it out if you want a good chuckle.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

PlurkAir: Desktop Client for Plurk

Selama ini saya jarang menemukan layanan aplikasi Plurk Desktop Client,
tidak seperti pesaingnya
yang memiliki bejibun aplikasi Desktop siap pakai. Janji Plurk
dengan dukungan API ternyata belum terealisasikan juga. Walaupun aplikasi pihak
ketiga untuk Plurk sangat langka, pengguna Plurk tidak perlu berkecil hati,
karena saat ini sudah ada aplikasi Desktop Client dengan dukungan API tidak
resmi yaitu aplikasi PlurkAir dan Plurkit.

PlurkAir dan Plurkit merupakan aplikasi Desktop Client yang hanya berjalan
jika kita telah menginstall Adobe Air
Adobe AIR
memungkinkan aplikasi Adobe AIR runtime (*.Air)  yang akan diaplikasikan
pada perangkat komputer dan dapat berjalan disistem multi platform yaitu Linux,
Mac dan Windows.

Memang PlurkAir dan Plurkit tidak sebagus
(twitter Client)
ya juga sama-sama berjalan dibawah naungan Adobe Air runtime. Namun dengan

antarmuka Plurk mobile desktop, paling tidak pengguna Plurk akan dipermudah dan
lebih nyaman ber-Plurk-ria.

Download Adobe

Download PlurkAir

Download Plurkit

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jenny Lee Answers Your Questions

Jenny Lee is known to some as a "Human Barbie Doll," and has admittedly undergone some 30 plastic surgery procedures. She has been featured on Oprah, Larry King Live, and E!'s Celebrity Plastic Surgery. She has been kind enough to answer questions from our readers. Note: I have never treated Jenny Lee.

Was there a point when you thought you might have an addiction to Cosmetic Surgery?
There was never a point where I personally thought I had an “addiction” to plastic surgery. I was being treated by a psychiatrist for severe anxiety and panic attacks, and the topic of surgery came up one day, and he asked “How many surgeries/procedures have you had?” and that brought on a whole other level of treatment because on top of anxiety and depression, he told me I had BDD (Body Dismorphia Disorder).

When you had your first few surgeries, what were people’s reactions to the change?
When I had my breasts done, there wasn’t much reaction, as it was my first surgery. My second I had my breast done again with full body lipo, and my nose. When I was 25 I had my nose done again and a invasive brow lift (cut from ear to ear all through my scalp) and THEN the reaction came. Shock would be the word I would use. The brow lift takes YEARS to soften, and I looked really weird for at least a year while that healed. Thank God I have good movement again. Mission was accomplished though….My friends my age (32) are either getting Botox religiously on their forehead and between their brows every 3 months, or the ones who don’t look much older than they are.

Are they any procedures that you would like to do that your Plastic Surgeon has said no to? YES! He said no to more Lipo, no to more nose jobs, I asked for jaw implants, he said no, too masculine, and ABSOLUTELY NO to a inner thigh lift, no matter how much I begged (the scar which is initially in your panty line migrates down your leg over time, and the results are NOT pretty. I have seen someone personally who had it, so I know what he was saying is true.).

What is your favourite feature on yourself?
Ummm, right now I would say my nose. It really turned out nicely after FOUR TIMES!

Do you wish you hadn't done one of your procedures, that the original part was better?
This is a hard question to answer because everything is already done and it is hard to think about what I would un-do if I could. I love my nose today, and had I been in a different situation in my life 11 years ago I think I would still like my old nose. It reminded me of my dad, who has since passed, and it was a feature I shared with my older sister prominently.

What is the one surgery that you are happiest with and which one are you least happy with? Happiest with my nose, least happy with NOT getting both breasts lifted (the left one didn’t need lifting, just the right). I don’t like that my right nipple looks different than my left. So I will have surgery to fix that within the next 6 months, and I will get a breast lift on both breasts and internal pocket work (to make the pocket smaller).

Do you ever regret any of your surgeries and wish you could go back to a more natural look?
I regretted the brow lift at first for a few years because it was so extreme, but now I am glad I did it.

Thanks to Jenny Lee. To visit Jenny Lee's website, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pendaftaran Omail ditutup

Sekedar informasi, terhitung hari ini tanggal 26 Oktober 2008
untuk pendaftaran layanan free OMail sudah ditiadakan. Hal ini
mengingat keterbatasan waktu dan ketidakmampuan admin (saya sendiri) melakukan
manage pada semua layanan di blog ini dalam waktu bersamaan. Bagi pengguna aktif
yang sudah terdaftar bisa login seperti biasa, yang masih dalam antrian akan
tetap menunggu status approve dari Admin. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cosmetic Surgeon Indicted for Murder Charges in Patient Deaths

A cosmetic surgeon in Phoenix was recently indicted in the deaths of three of his patients. Dr. Peter Normann was indicted on two counts of second-degree murder and one count of manslaughter in the deaths of three of his patients who underwent liposuction. According to an investigation, he performed two of the surgeries, and an associate performed the other surgery. His associate was a homeopathic practioner, whatever that means. Dr. Normann apparently underwent seven training sessions to learn liposuction surgery, the same number of sessions he had to learn hair restoration surgery. He is currently believed to be outside the United States, and an international manhunt is ongoing.

This is yet another unfortunate example of unsuspecting patients being duped by a doctor masquerading as a real plastic surgeon. Seven sessions to learn liposuction?? Unfortunately, dubious doctors with even less training than that are performing all sorts of plastic surgery. Remember, a cosmetic surgeon is not the same as a real plastic surgeon.

For more information on the Phoenix cosmetic surgeon murder case, click here.
For my advice on how to choose a plastic surgeon, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Professional Templates "Blogger Magazine Style"

Mau blog anda tampil Professional dengan konsep
Magazine Style
? kalo iya, saya sarankan anda bisa mencoba template buatan
Antoni Lupetti.
Selain gak pasaran, hanya dengan sedikit sentuhan, saya yakin anda bisa mengedit
template ini jauh lebih bagus lagi.  Salah satu contoh blog sahabat yang juga
menerapkan konsep Magazine Style, sebut saja
Kang Rohman,
disana bisa anda lihat perbedaan ketika anda berada pada halaman index, kemudian
lihat pula perubahannya ketika anda berada pada salah satu halaman konten. Ya
sudah, monggo..silahkan di download aja sourcenya

Ups, hampir lupa ucapan terima kasih buat mas ..... untuk info template-nya :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ask Jenny Lee

The actress Jenny Lee is known around the world as a human Barbie doll and has admitted to undergoing dozens of plastic surgeries. She has been featured on Oprah, Larry King Live, Entertainment Tonight, and E!'s Celebrity Plastic Surgery (which I was also on!). Many consider her to be a symbol of plastic surgery excess, and she has been very up front in talking with the media about her plastic surgery. Ms. Lee has graciously offered to answer questions from the readers of Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery. The last time I posted on her (click here), the comments ranged from nasty to supportive.

If you would like to ask any questions to Ms. Jenny Lee, leave the question on the 'comments' section, and she will answer them in a future post.

To visit Jenny Lee's website, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pasang Stripe-Ad ala Navbar Blogger

Boost Your Blog's Response Rate With "Stripe Ad"

Menayangkan iklan bergaya Stripe-Ad tentu lebih baik dari pada
menayangkan iklan dalam bentuk Popup Ad (Pop-ups, pop-overs and pop-unders),
Selain dapat menghindari Popup Blocker, memasang Stripe-Ad terasa sangat pas untuk
menampilkan satu focus informasi yang dirasa penting (bisa berupa iklan baris,
pengumuman, Feed atau informasi apa saja sesuai kebutuhan).

Jika anda melihat contoh Stripe-Ad diatas pada blog ini, sekilas
terlihat hampir serupa dengan standar Navigation Bar (Navbar) Blogger.
Pengunjungpun dapat melihat langsung batang navigasi ini ketika pertama kali
mereka mengunjungi halaman blog anda. Iklan ini akan tetap tampil walaupun
pembaca melakukan Mouse Scroll pada halaman. Jika tertarik kemungkinan
besar pembaca akan mengkliknya, jika dirasa mengganggu mereka dapat dengan mudah
menutupnya dengan mengklik tombol X pada pojok kanan atas.

Stripe-Ad tentu saja bukan hal yang baru. Pengguna Wordpress biasanya
menggunakan plugin Strip-Ad buatan

cara installasinya pun terbilang mudah dan sudah ditulis dengan
lengkap caranya, silahkan pelajari sendiri disitusnya ya :)

Cara Pasang Strip-Ad di Blogger:

1. Upload File javascript dibawah ke lokasi penyimpanan file anda, Simpan file dengan nama

var mta_arr = new Array();

var mta_clear = new Array();

function mtaFloat(mta) {

mta_arr[mta_arr.length] = this;

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this.mtasrc = document.all? document.all[mta] : document.getElementById(mta);

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this.mtaheight = this.cmode.clientHeight;

this.mtaoffset = mtaGetOffsetY(mta_arr[mtapointer]);

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function mtaGetOffsetY(mta) {

var mtaTotOffset = parseInt(mta.mtasrc.offsetTop);

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function closeTopAds() {

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2. Tuju kehalaman Edit HTML di blogger.

Copi-Paste kode CSS dibawah, letakan diatas kode

#mta_bar { background: #FFFFE1; border-bottom: 1px
solid #808080; margin: 0 0 3px 0; padding: 4px 0; z-index: 100; top: 0; left: 0;
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* html #mta_bar{ /*IE6 hack*/

position: absolute; width: expression(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"?
document.documentElement.clientWidth+"px" : body.clientWidth+"px"); }

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#left_bar a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #0000FF; }

3. Masukan kode pemanggilan JS dibawah, letakan diatas kode
</head>, jangan lupa
sesuaikan dengan alamat lokasi URL dimana anda meyimpan file JS-nya.

<script src=''

4. Letakan kode dibawah ini dibawah kode <body>,
Silahkan sesuaikan setingan dibawah dengan link dan deskripsi anda

<div id='mta_bar'>

<div id='left_bar'><span class='left'><a href=''
Kurang lebih 3200 pembaca Rss Feed
sudah bergabung, Sudahkah anda?

<span class='right' onmouseout='self.status=&apos;&apos;' onmouseover='self.status=&apos;;;return
true;'> <img align='absmiddle' border='0' onClick='closeTopAds();return false;'

5. Simpan hasil kerja anda :)

Selamat Mencoba..happy blogging with

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Who Is the World's Most Beautiful Woman?

A poll by Colin Stewart's OC Register blog finds that 55% of his readers believe Angelina Jolie is the world's most beautiful woman. Readers voted Ava Gardner second, Halle Berry third, and Jennifer Connelly fourth. Click here to vote for your favorite.

Whom would I vote for? Second to my wife, I would have to pick Audrey Hepburn, although she doesn't make his list at all. At least Renee Zellweger only got 2% of the vote. She is a fantastic actress, but to me she always looks like she's sucking on a lemon.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Did Angelina Jolie Have a Tummy Tuck?

This week's Star magazine is reporting that Angelina Jolie has had a tummy tuck. According to the magazine:

Sources tell Star that the 33-year-old actress fretted over the size of her stomach while she was pregnant with Knox and Vivienne. "She doesn't like to talk about it or admit it, but Angie told some friends that she had a 'mommy tuck,' " says a family insider. "She likes the way that sounds better than tummy tuck."

Do I think she's had a tummy tuck? I doubt it, but that's just my hunch. It takes a couple weeks to recover from the surgery, and I would think that the paparazzi would obtain actual proof that she had work done. Angelina has come a long way from being the goth girl with a tube of Slingblade's blood around her neck.

To view a video of a tummy tuck I performed on Fox News, click here.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Quick Links

Here are some quick links for you to browse if you have some time:

1. James Bond actor Daniel Craig had a plastic surgeon suture close lacerations he suffered on his face after being kicked by a co-star. Click here for the story.
I am often called into the ER to take care of major lacerations. Most of the time, ER docs and PA's do a nice job, though, leaving the difficult ones for plastic surgeons like myself.

2. Dr. Rob Oliver of the Plastic Surgery 101 blog has a nice post on how you choose a doctor, based off personality and/or skill. I like to think I have both ;) Click here for his post.

3. Does Wrecking Balm tattoo removal lotion work? Click here to find out what the folks at the Beauty Brains blog write about it.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Celebrity Plastic Surgery Disasters on Celebuzz

The folks at were kind enough to ask me to be a "Celebuzz Expert." We collaborated on a slideshow called "Celebrity Plastic Surgery Disasters." Check it out here. Some of the celebrities include Burt Reynolds, Jocelyn Wildenstein, CarrotTop, and Smokey Robinson.

As a teaser, here's my post on Burt:

What's the deal with Burt Reynolds? The man who was once voted the "Sexiest Man Alive" by People Magazine is now a far cry from what he used to be. He appears to have had an old-fashioned browlift where the eyebrows are pulled too high. In addition, he appears to have had an upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid lift) which has made his eyelids appear a bit beady. It is very important for a plastic surgeon to avoid feminizing a male patient, like Burt has become. Pulling the brows too high and removing too much upper eyelid skin may be forgivable in a female, like most of the contestants of "the Swan," but in a male makes him look too effeminate. It also appears as though he has had an old-fashioned, skin tightening facelift. The face ages in a three-dimensional fashion, with both sagging skin AND loss of volume. The traditional facelifts like the one that Burt may have had focus only on tightening the skin. This can make someone's face look thinner, pulled and like he is in a wind tunnel. One way to improve how he looks would be fat grafting, or transfer, which would help fill in the areas of his face which have thinned or lost volume with time.
Burt doesn't look as rugged and manly as he did in the early '80s. "Less is more" is definitely a lesson Burt's plastic surgeon should have learned, in my opinion.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Menayangkan iklan bergaya PageEar (PagePeel)

PagePeel atau biasa disebut juga dengan istilah PageEar, Magic Corner, PeelAd,
peel away ad
atau apalah namanya, merupakan salah satu cara lain
menayangkan iklan
dengan gaya (style) yang berbeda. Tidak seperti tampilan
iklan banner pada umumnya, jika anda mengarahkan mouse pada area PagePeel ini,
maka akan terlihat halaman menggulung layaknya anda membuka selembar kertas dan
menemukan halaman lain dilembar sebaliknya. Tujuan utama memasang PagePeel tentu
saja ingin mendapatkan perhatian lebih besar dari pengunjung untuk mengkliknya.

Salah satu contoh blog populer yang menerapkan PagePeel adalah Namun
sangat disayangkan ia sendiri malah menjual layanan PagePeel (peel
away ad
) ini seharga $37.00. Yah bayar..tidak perlu berkecil hati dan jangan
sampai mengeluarkan dana paypal anda untuk membelinya.  Dari semua nama PagePeel yang saya sebut
diatas, terus terang hanya ada satu layanan saja yang berani mengratiskanya,


Meskipun gratis.. PageEar tidak kalah dengan versi PagePeel berbayar,
salah satu fitur unggulannya yaitu kemampuan PageEar untuk menjalankan gambar dan suara sekaligus. Karena PageEar dijalankan via Flash dan JavaScript based, jadi anda dapat menggunakannya pada platform (blog/site) apa saja, termasuk blogger dong
tentunya :)

Beberapa Fitur menarik dari PageEar:

  • NEW! Pageear is scalable now. You can change the peel
    size 100×100 and 500×500 Pixel by your own.   

  • Plays MP3-Files on startup, open and close of Pagepeel.

  • Possibility to leave peel open and wait for userklick to close. Close text
    is editable.  

  • Place it on the left or right upper corner

  • Open and close automaticly after X seconds

  • Speed of the small pageear could be changed

  • Flashcheck (Adobe© Flash Detection)

  • Reflecting image on corner

  • Color of the pagecorner

  • Link target on external side or own (self, new)

  • Downwardcompatibly up to Flashversion 6

  • Runs on nearly all Browser (FireFox, InternetExplorer, Opera, Safari,

Tutorial Cara Pasang (Installasi):

1. Download dulu file

PageEar v1.4

2. Kemudian Extrack file di
folder anda.

3. Silahkan Edit File pageear.js (menggunakan
notepad misalkan)

Note: dalam file
inilah semua konfigurasi yang anda perlukan. Agar anda tidak
pusing tujuh keliling, saya sertakan saja contoh dari beberapa kemungkinan yang perlu anda edit. Lihat code yang diedit dengan warna merah.

var pagearSmallImg = '';

var pagearSmallSwf = '';

var pagearBigImg = '';

var pagearBigSwf = '';

var jumpTo = ''

Sebenarnya masih banyak configurasi yang lain, selebihnya dibaca saja ya pada

4. Upload semua file yang ada dalam folder pageear_v14/pageear/ ke
server milik anda (

5. Langkah akhir lakukan pemanggilan javascript, atau dari pada puyeng
langsung copy paste aja kode dibawah ini. jangan lupa mengganti alamat url
dibawah ditandai dengan warna merah dibawah.

<script language='javascript' src=''/>

<script src=''

<script type='text/javascript'>



Untuk pengguna blogger silahkan meletakan script diatas di bawah kode
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> pada halaman
Edit HTML.

Bagaimana mengubah image sesuai keinginan anda?

Pertama buat image dengan ukuran 100x100 pixel, lalu simpan dengan nama
pageear_s.jpg kemudian dengan cara yang sama, buat
lagi image dengan ukuran 500x500 pixel, lalu simpan dengan nama
pageear_b.jpg Jika anda sudah membuat kedua image
diatas, silahkan upload kembali ke server milik anda.

Selamat Mencoba..happy blogging with

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Courteney Cox Admits to Using Botox

According to, Courteney Cox has admitted to using Botox. In a recent interview with Marie Claire magazine she stated:

"Botox? I think it's fantastic and also horrible," she said. "I mean, they've come up with this stuff that can make you not look angry. But you have to use it sparingly."
Us reports that Cox-Arquette, 44, says she did indeed have the venom injected into her face, but she wasn't a huge fan.
"I was miserable," she says.
"I mean, I'm an actor, I've got to be able to move my face."

If Botox is injected tastefully, people can still retain a natural look and expressions. It's those physicians who create a 'frozen forehead' where the expressions can be obliterated.

Do you think she has Botox in this photo?

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Menampilkan Syntax Highlighter (Javascript based)

SyntaxHighlighter merupakan cara mudah untuk menampilkan penggalan kode
pos-line agar terlihat lebih menarik. Dengan menambahkan Syntax Highlighter,
pembaca akan lebih mudah memahami setiap syntax baris kode yang anda tampilkan
sebagaimana bahasa program aslinya. Syntax Highlight ini menggunakan 100% JavaScript based, jadi anda bisa
menampilkannya pada platform (blog/site) apa saja, termasuk blogger tentunya.

SyntaxHighlighter menggunakan ekspresi reguler untuk parse teks. Jadi jika
anda hanya mencoba untuk menyorot beberapa puluhan baris kode, mungkin tidak ada
masalah. Tapi jika anda mencoba untuk menyorot 10kb lebih nilai teks,
kemungkinan akan ada masalah karena lamanya waktu dalam proses eksekusi.

Bahasa Program yang didukung:


C++ cpp,
c, c++
C# c#,
c-sharp, csharp
CSS css
Delphi delphi,
Java java
Java Script
jscript, javascript
PHP php
Python py,
Ruby rb,
ruby, rails, ror
Sql sql
VB vb,
html, xhtml, xslt

Cara mengguakan

pada blogger.

1. Silahkan anda

dulu semua filenya.

2. Extrack file SyntaxHighlighter_1.5.1.rar

3. Upload semua file Java Srcipt (pada folder Scripts) ke server milik anda, misalkan.

4. Letakan kode ini di bawah kode <head>

<link href=''
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

5. Kemudian letakan ini diatas kode </body>

<script language='javascript'>

function start() {


dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll('code', true, true, false, 1, false);


window.onload = start;


6. Simpan sebelumnya hasil kerja anda

Cara mengaktifkan kode pada halaman Post Editor

Letakkan kode anda pada halaman ditandai dengan tag
. Kemudian menetapkan nama atribut untuk kode kelas dan
atribut ke salah satu bahasa alias yang ingin Anda gunakan. (lihat tabel alias
untuk type class)

<pre name="code" class="c-sharp">
... some code here ...

Alternatif untuk <pre> adalah dengan menggunakan
tag <textarea>. Tidak ada masalah dengan
< karakter dalam kasus ini. Masalah utamanya adalah
<pre> tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik jika tag
JavaScript tetap digunakan untuk beberapa alasan (di RSS feed misalnya)

<textarea name="code" class="c#" cols="60" rows="10">
... some code here ...

Maaf saya tidak menyertakan contoh nyata dalam tutorial ini, namun anda
jangan kuatir, ini sudah saya uji coba dan 100% berhasil.

Pelajari kode selengkapnya di alamat ini

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kim Kardashian: "I've Never Had Plastic Surgery."

Kim Kardashian has recently commented on her blog about the rumors that she's had plastic surgery. According to E! online:

"I have not ever had plastic surgery," she writes in her blog, accompanied by a voluptuous photo of herself in a bikini at age 14. I hope after seeing this you guys will never ask me a plastic surgery question again! I have had a size C since I was 11 years old!"
Also on the didn't-do-it list: lip injections, a nose job or butt implants. But Kim hasn't ruled out a little nip 'n' tuck: "One day I will definitely get a lift, but I am waiting until after I have kids. Until then I rely on a great supportive bra!"

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Did Sharon Stone Want Her Son to Have Botox for His Feet?

Sharon Stone has recently denied allegations that she wanted her son Roan to have Botox injections to his feet to make them less stinky. According to her lawyer:

Sharon Stone never made this statement. It is a complete fabrication.

Now, I've never heard of injecting Botox into the feet to make them smell less. I guess it makes sense, though, as Botox is commonly injected into the palms of hands to make them less sweaty.

I wish this treatment was around back during my first year of college. I had a roommate who had the worst foot odor imaginable. It was like a decomposing animal. Maybe this treatment would have worked for him.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Kata "Maaf" yang tertunda

Maaf ya telat ngucapin lebarannya, yang jelas tidak ada kata terlambat untuk meminta maaf khan :)

Untuk pembaca setiap, saya mengucapkan Selamat Idul Fitri 1429 H "Minal
Aidzin Walfaizin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin"

Singkat Cerita: Lebaran kali ini om gak mudik ke tanah tercinta Borneo
(tepatnya di kota Pangkalanbun - Kalteng) dan sekarang masih terdampar lebaran
di kota Cepu (tempat yayank nih ceritanya), jadi maklum aja om belum bisa Blogwalking dan kegiatan ngeblog ditunda dulu, ini aja om sempetin kabur ke Warnet terdekat hehehe. Mudahan sekitar tanggal 10 udah bisa balik lagi ke Yogyakarta. Tetap semangat ngeblog..Happy blogging with

Say it Ain't So Joe Biden... Plastic Surgery?

Like me, you may be one of the 70 million people who watched Joe Biden debate Sarah Palin last night. Did any of you notice the weird way Senator Biden's eyebrows moved? The inner eyebrows moved very little, whereas the outer part of the brow would often dramatically move upward, creating a 'sinister' look. His central forehead was also devoid of wrinkles. Has he had Botox injections?

This is quite often how a Botox'd forehead looks and acts. However, with all the media scrutiny on him, how on earth could he go to a plastic surgeon and have Botox without everyone finding out? Well... the effects of Botox last 3-4 months on average. It's possible that he had the treatment prior to being chosen as Obama's running mate, when there were less cameras following him. If that's the case, the Botox should wear off over the next couple months and the central forehead wrinkles should return (unless he has it done again).

As an aside, many people have speculated that he had hair transplants back in the '80s. He does have a somewhat unusual hairline at the temple, which may be a sign of this.

For my analysis on the other candidates, click here for Sarah Palin, here for John McCain, and here for Cindy McCain. Sorry, there will not be a post on Barack Obama, since I don't think he's had anything done.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Governator vs. Kanye?

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed the so-called Donda West Law (named after Kanye West's late mother who died shortly after having plastic surgery), passed by legislators several months ago. It would have required all patients to undergo a physical exam and get a doctor's clearance before plastic surgery. According to the L.A. Times,

In vetoing the measure, Schwarzenegger said this summer's historic, 85-day delay in passage of a state budget left him with time to enact only the highest-priority legislation for California."This bill does not meet that standard, and I cannot sign it at this time," states the veto message, which he applied to dozens of others Sunday.

There are lots of young, healthy people who undergo plastic surgery who don't need an actual preoperative clearance. I usually clear any patients who have pre-existing medical problems or are over 40 years old. Also, I always use a fully accredited surgical facility with a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Nice implants on that woman next to Arnold, by the way...

For more on the Donda West law, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.