Monday, September 29, 2008

Does Jennifer Garner Enhance Her Lips?

I always thought Jennifer Garner's lips were naturally large, like Angelina Jolie or Julia Roberts. I guess I was wrong. Check out this post on Awful Plastic Surgery. Maybe she enhances her lips with Restylane or Juvederm to help cover up a gummy smile? Whatever it is, her plastic surgeon does a nice job.

Next thing I'll find out is that Ben Affleck has pec implants!

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each year over 175,000 women (and 2000 men!) are diagnosed with breast cancer. Approximately 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Aside from skin cancer, it is the most common cancer in women. So how does this affect you if you have breast implants?

It's estimated that over 5 million women have breast implants today. If you have breast implants, how do you screen yourself for breast cancer, and how is this different from someone without implants?

The major rule is that you should follow the American Cancer Society guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer. Here they are:
Women ages 20-39: Monthly breast self-exam, clinical exam by your physician every three years.
Women ages 40 and up: Monthly breast self-exam, clinical exam by your physician every year, mammogram yearly.
Women at high risk (close family history of breast cancer, etc.) should discuss with their physician whether a yearly MRI may be indicated.
- When the FDA lifted the ban on silicone gel breast implants in November 2006, they recommended that anyone who undergoes silicone gel breast augmentation undergo an MRI three years after surgery, and every other year thereafter.

If you have breast implants, here are some other things to consider:
1. Breast implants can limit the amount of breast tissue that can be seen on a mammogram. If you have implants, then make sure your mammogram center takes extra pictures (called the Ecklund technique) to allow the radiologist to see as much of your breast tissue as possible.
2. Some physicians believe breast implants can actually facilitate (or improve) the ability to detect a breast mass on examination.
3. Studies show that breast implants do not increase your risk of breast cancer, delay your diagnosis of breast cancer, or worsen your prognosis once breast cancer is diagnosed.
4. If you are unsure how to perform a breast self-exam on implanted breasts, be sure to ask your plastic surgeon.

For more information on breast cancer and screening, visit

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cindy McCain - Plastic Surgery Analysis

We've touched on Sarah Palin, now what about Cindy McCain? Has she had plastic surgery? Colin Stewart from the OC Register has a nice article with the opinions of several experts. The overall consensus to the question of "Did she or didn't she?" is a big maybe.

If she's had any surgery, the only thing I would speculate is an upper blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid lift. Other than that, maybe a touch of Botox, but I doubt it. If she's actually getting plastic surgery, I would assume the press would be all over that story. I think she is aging very gracefully, although she strikes me as a bit frail.

By the way, Joe're next!

Photo credit: OC Register

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Linda Hamilton is Sans Botox

This is a nice photo of Terminator 2 star Linda Hamilton from the always entertaining Celebrity Smack blog. As you can see, she has absolutely no signs of any Botox in her face! This is what a typical 52 year old woman (who has been in the California sun) looks like. Botox would smooth the wrinkles of her forehead, frown lines, and crow's feet.

I can't decide who was more ripped, Linda Hamilton in T2 or Angela Bassett in What's Love Got to Do With It...

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Twitterfeed: Feed your blog to twitter

Feed your blog to twitter - Sebagian blogger (termasuk saya) biasanya
harus bekerja dua kali untuk mempromosikan tulisan terbaru via
Twitter, tentu saja dengan
harapan agar pembaca via Twitter juga mengetahui bila ada tulisan terbaru di blog kita.
Sayangnya, cara manual ini menurut saya termasuk buang-buang waktu saja, belum lagi
bila kita memiliki sifat pelupa..

Solusinya ya lupakan saja cara manual diatas, karena sekarang ada
Twitterfeed yang bisa memudahkan anda melakukan tugas tersebut. 
Cara kerja Twitterfeed
sebenarnya sederhana, anda hanya perlu submit alamat Rss Feed blog anda dan biarkan
layanan ini yang bertugas mengirimkannya secara otomatis ke twitter anda..mudah
kan :)..selengkapnya dicoba sendiri ya.

1. Tentu anda sudah memiliki account di

2. Login ke Twitterfeed via OpenID

Informasi menggunakan OpenID di blogger sudah pernah saya ulas


, bila anda tidak ingin repot saya sarankan menggunakan layanan 

3. Silahkan login
pada Twitterfeed
dengan memasukan alamat blog (tentu OpenID sudah anda) atau menggunakan

4. Pada halaman Twitterfeed, silahkan setting dengan
memasukan alamatRss Feed blog anda pada pilihan "my twitter feeds" dan
pilihan "Create new twitter feed"

5. Selamat mencoba aja dah :)

Sudah bergabung di pembaca Twitter kalo belum bisa klik

Sunday, September 21, 2008

DJ AM and Travis Barker Burned in Plane Crash

As you may have already heard, DJ AM and former Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker were severely burned in a plane crash which killed four other people. According to, they both suffered second and third degree burns, Barker to the torso and lower body, and DJ AM to the head and arm. They are currently at the Joseph Still Burn Center in Augusta, Georgia.

I've worked in a Burn Unit several times during my plastic surgery training, and now occasionally take care of minor burns. Third degree burns are also known as full thickness burns, and necessitate skin grafting for the area to properly heal. Second degree burns (split thickness burns) are characterized by blistering. Depending on how they heal, second degree burns may or may not need skin grafting. Burns wounds, as you may guess, are extremely painful and often require a lengthy recovery. I don't know their exact medical details, but it sounds to me that the burns they suffered are usually not fatal. Burns like what they reportedly have, though, usually require several weeks in the hospital and several months in physical therapy.

I wish these two guys the best during their recoveries.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Selingkuh itu indah, PR itu menyenangkan..

Selingkuh itu indah, PR itu menyenangkan..nah loh apa hubungannya ya? baca aja dulu baru protes...

Ini merupakan masa yang sulit sekaligus menyenangkan, dimana sekarang om harus
rela membagi waktu dan kasih sayang
ke blog om yang satu ini
. Wah bakal dimadu ya si gak juga sih
sebenarnya, cuman jarang di apelin aja sekarang. Don't worry be happy aja
ya, om masih setia kok untuk membelainya. Kalo mau jujur, sebenarnya masih ada
beberapa kekasih gelap om yang lain..tapi ya gak mungkinlah di publikasikan
disini, kalau ketahuan, tar malah cemburu dua-duanya donk :)

Tanda-tanda cemburu berat?

Hampir 5 hari tidak merasakan hangatnya sentuhan jemari om,
ternyata ada tanda-tanda kecemburuan dari, saking marahnya dia langsung merajuk, parahnya lagi
malah ngajak dugem paman
. Entah karena kebanyakan nelan Jack Daniel's, sampai-sampai
ranking alexa blog ini terjun bebas. Padahal  trafik  kunjungan
langsung dan yang tersesat dari om Google kayaknya aman-aman saja.."ada
apa denganmu Alexa? kamu masih mabuk kali ya
". Ternyata ada benernya juga kata si

"Masa masih percaya juga dengan ranking alexa?" thanks ya jack pencerahannya.

Ups hampir lupa...jadi ingat nih mau ngerjain PR malam ini....

PR itu menyenangkan...

Nah, ini malah dapat kerjaan PR dimalam mingguan. Jadi gak
bisa selingkuh  nih malam ini. PR (bukan PageRanking) ini gawean si

Eko Nurhuda
katanya PR ini awalnya dari mas

, trus merambat kesana kemari dah kaya akar pohon. Ya sudah langsung om
dikerjain aja PR-nya, tar keburu ngantuk..

Ini dia kerjaan PR
10 Habits and Facts about Agus ramadhani:

1. Saya lahir tepat saat gerhana matahari pada bulan Agustus
dan tepat pula saat bulan Ramadhan..jadilah nama Agus Ramadhani...emang
penting ya om? mbuh..hehehe

2. Saya orangnya cenderung pendiam dan keras kepala (kata
orang lho)

3. Kebodohan saya, terlalu sering menunda sesuatu...

4.Jujur saja, dalam mengerjakan sesuatu, saya terlalu

5. Saya paling benci dengan pelajaran Matematika, mungkin
dasarnya emang dodol kali ya...

6. Padahal kata Daddy and Mom, om ini termasuk anak yang
cerdas sejak kecil (*ngarep mode on*)..ya iya lah, orang tua mana yang bilang anaknya blo'on sejak
kecil hahahaha

7. Waduh parah nih, om termasuk perokok dan pencandu berat
sama kopi

8. Yang paling tidak nyaman saat menggunakan kaca mata
minusku..sekilas terlihat layaknya orang jenius..padahal aslinya???

9. Kata temen, saya ini rada gokil dan kadang mengada-ngada bisa menghasilkan
duit lewat ngeblog. Sampai pada saatnya dia pernah pinjam uang untuk bayar pajak
mobilnya, saya sindir saja "itu uang hasil ngeblog loh" baru tau dia....

10. Silahkan tebak sendiri ya...

OK, dah kelar nih PR-nya sekarang siap-siap nama2 dibawah ini
ngerjain PR selanjutnya:

| Tonijauhari |
Kang Kombor |
Boydalle |
Hakimtea |
Syamsul Alam |
Anthony harman | | |

Oke, buat 11 nama di atas silakan garap PR ini baik-baik yah.
Adapun aturan mainnya seperti berikut:


1. Each blogger must post these rules

2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves

3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten
things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten
people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to
read your blog.

Selamat mengerjakan PR!

Judul diatas sebenarnya "jaka sembung bawa golok..dasar gak nyambung nih blog"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jocelyn Wildenstein - She Looks Worse!

Here is a recent photo of Jocelyn Wildenstein, the New York socialite who has made herself into the "Lion Woman." Is it me, or does she look worse than before? Her eyes appear to be more pulled, as do the corners of her mouth. Her skin looks like it's molded from clay. What is going on here?
It's possible she's had additional tightening of her skin, maybe using some type of permanent suspension sutures. Whoever her surgeon is should lose his or her license.
Quite a while ago I posted a three part series on Jocelyn Wildenstein, which can be found in the following links:
Part I: Her Story
To view a segment I did on the Montel Williams show on Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), click here. (The show's hairstylist gave me an awful "Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes) goes to Church" hairstyle)
Photo credit: OMG! by way of Ayyyy!
Thanks for reading.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Lizardman - Crazy Stuff!

If you think Jocelyn Wildenstein has problems, take a look at the Lizardman! He is a 35 year old man who has transformed himself into a reptile via 700 hours of tattooing, five Teflon horns implanted beneath the skin of his eyebrows, filing down of his teeth into sharp fangs, bifurcation of his tongue, and stretching of his septum and earlobes. No, a board-certified plastic surgeon did not perform his procedures. The surgeon would hopefully lose his certification if he did.

Now, as a plastic surgeon, how would I fix the Lizardman to make him look more normal?

Got me!

How would you like to meet this guy in a dark alley at night?

For more information on the Lizardman or to book him for a performance, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Resep Mengedit Script Followers

Melengkapi tutorial sebelumnya pada tulisan

Customized tampilan "Blogger Followers"
, kali ini saya mencoba berbagi
resep mengedit script pada Followers
. Langung ke topik aja ya..saya ambil
contoh mudahnya, seandainya anda kurang sreg dengan tampilan judul text link
pada default Followers, anda bisa mengubahnya dengan kalimat anda sendiri,
selain itu, anda juga bisa melakukan hidden text pada judul link jika memang

Untuk lokasi scriptnya, silahkan sesuaikan pada kode
warna hijau, kemudian cukup dengan merubah kode
yang saya tandai dengan warna merah dibawah ini.
Silahkan dicoba :)

Mengganti tulisan Follow This Blog

<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>




Mengganti tulisan View All

<span class='item-control following-not-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:followersUri'>




Menghapus Pesan (jumlah) Followers

<a expr:href='data:followersUri'>




Mengganti Tulisan Stop Following

<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>




Mengganti Tulisan Manage

<span class='item-control blog-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:manageFollowersUri'>




Mengganti Tulisan Jika belum ada Followers

<div class='followers-grid'>

<b:if cond='data:totalFollowerCount == 0'>

<div class='profile-link item-control following-follow-this'>



Ada kalanya anda tidak ingin menampilkan informasi Jumlah
Followers pada title, atau mungkin anda ingin menghapus beberapa judul text link
pada Followers yang dirasa kurang nyaman untuk ditampikan. Entah dasar apa anda
ingin menghapusnya, menurut saya, link ini tidak terlalu mengganggu.
Tapi jika anda menginginkannya, anda tinggal menghapus semua kode yang ditandai
dengan warna hijau dibawah.

Menghapus (jumlah) Followers

<a expr:href='data:followersUri'>




Menghapus Link Manage

<span class='item-control blog-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:manageFollowersUri'>




Hapus link Follow this blog

<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>




Menghapus Link Stop following

<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>




Menghapus Title (jumlah) Follower Count

<h2 class='title'><data:title/> (<data:totalFollowerCount/>)</h2>

Sebelum mencoba hack kode diatas, disarankan untuk membackup template anda terlebih dahulu. Ok selamat mencoba,
happy blogging with

Customized tampilan "Blogger Followers"

Customized Blogger Followers - Terus terang, saya kurang nyaman dengan tampilan

Blogger Followers
. Bila anda perhatikan, terlihat link menu Follow this
yang berada diatas, kemudian diikuti informasi jumlah followers dan
link View all dibawahnya. Sekilas memang tidak terlalu mengganggu,
tapi namanya juga selera, tentu saja terasa ada yang kurang.


Jika anda
sependapat dengan saya, tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba memodifikasi tampilan
standar Followers ini agar nampak lebih manis. Jika Followers anda belum support di mode indonesia, silahkan klik

untuk cara

Lihat sample modifikasi tampilan

Anda bisa melihat perubahan diatas, dimana link tertata rapi,
serta sedikit sentuhan border (garis tepi) pada setiap photo.

Bila anda pada area mode sedang login, link Manage akan tetap pada
posisi menggantikan Link View All. jadi jangan kuatir pada
perubahan kodingnya :)

Mari kita coba memodifikasinya:

Untuk menambahkan border (garis tepi) pada gambar, pertama
masuk halaman Edit HTML, kemudian copi-paste semua
kode CSS dibawah, Sebaiknya letakan kode tersebut dibawah kode

/* Follower (Modified by



.follower-grid {width:150px;}

.follower {width:32px; height:32px; float:left; margin:2px;}

.follower-img {float: left; border:1px solid #222; margin-top: 2px;
margin-right: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; margin-left: 2px;}

.follow-this {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; font-weight:bold;}

.followers-canvas {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; font-weight:bold;}

Jangan lupa simpan dulu perubahan diatas. (Sebenarnya kode
CSS diatas bisa anda modifikasi sesuai keperluan, jadi saya masukan saja kode
CSS Followers secara lengkap jika suatu waktu anda ingin memodifikasinya)

Kita lanjutkan mengedit kode utamanya, disini agak rumit
karena akan banyak kode yang harus anda perhatikan.

Pertama tuju ke halaman Edit HTML,
jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada Expand Widget
, Kemudian cari kode tercetak tebal sesuai warna
hijau di bawah ini:

<b:widget id='Followers1' locked='false' title='ini
sesuai dengan title masing-masing

<b:includable id='main'>

<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>

<h2 class='title'><data:title/> (<data:totalFollowerCount/>)</h2>


<div expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;-wrapper&quot;'>

<b:if cond='data:followingLinkPresent'>

<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control following-follow-this'>

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>




<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>





<div class='followers-grid'>

<b:if cond='data:totalFollowerCount == 0'>

<div class='profile-link item-control following-follow-this'>





Relies on the js written out in navbar.gxp


<b:loop values='data:followers' var='follower'>

<div class='follower'>

<a expr:href='data:follower.profileUrl' expr:title='data:follower.displayName'

<img class='follower-img' expr:alt='data:follower.displayName' expr:height='data:follower.imageHeight'
expr:onerror='&quot;this.onerror=null;this.src=\&quot;&quot; +
data:anonFollowerImageUrl + &quot;\&quot;;&quot;' expr:onload='&quot;setAttributeOnload(this,
\&quot;src\&quot;, \&quot;&quot; + data:follower.imageUrl + &quot;\&quot;)&quot;'
expr:width='data:follower.imageWidth' src=''/>




<div class='clear'/>


<div class='followers-canvas profile-link'>


<span class='item-control following-not-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:followersUri'>




<span class='item-control blog-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:manageFollowersUri'>





Kemudian ganti semua kode warna merah diatas,
dengan melakukan (copy-paste) kode warna merah yang
sudah saya modifikasi dibawah ini:

<div class='followers-grid'>

<b:if cond='data:totalFollowerCount == 0'>

<div class='profile-link item-control following-follow-this'>





Relies on the js written out in navbar.gxp


<b:loop values='data:followers' var='follower'>

<div class='follower'>

<a expr:href='data:follower.profileUrl' expr:title='data:follower.displayName'

<img class='follower-img' expr:alt='data:follower.displayName' expr:height='data:follower.imageHeight'
expr:onerror='&quot;this.onerror=null;this.src=\&quot;&quot; +
data:anonFollowerImageUrl + &quot;\&quot;;&quot;' expr:onload='&quot;setAttributeOnload(this,
\&quot;src\&quot;, \&quot;&quot; + data:follower.imageUrl + &quot;\&quot;)&quot;'
expr:width='data:follower.imageWidth' src=''/>




<div class='clear'/>


<div expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;-wrapper&quot;'>

<b:if cond='data:followingLinkPresent'>

<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control following-follow-this'>

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>


</a> -

<span class='item-control following-not-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:followersUri'>




<span class='item-control blog-admin'>

<a expr:href='data:manageFollowersUri'>



</span> - <data:followersFooterMessage/>


<div class='follow-this profile-link item-control

<a expr:href='&quot;javascript:_FollowersView._openPopup(\&quot;&quot; +
data:followUri + &quot;\&quot;);&quot;'>





Kemudian simpan pekerjaan anda, dan silahkan lihat perubahannya.


Jangan lupa untuk mem-follow blog oom

atau anda bisa melihat siapa saja yang sudah bergabung di followers

. Good Luck ya :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Katherine McPhee - All Natural Breasts?

A lot of blogs are making a big deal about recent photos of former American Idol finalist Katherine McPhee's cleavage. Some even claim that she may have breast implants.

I haven't seen any other recent photos of her, but in this photo she appears to have completely natural breasts. If anything, she looks like she's lost some weight and her breasts may have gotten a bit deflated from the weight loss. Overall I think she looks good. Hopefully this recent weight loss has nothing to do with her past history of bulimia.

I still think she or Chris Daughtry should have won American Idol a few years ago, and not that gray haired cheeseball Taylor Hicks. Apparently not enough people had the McPheever!

Photo credit:

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox News, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Beauty and the Bucks Article - Plastic Surgery During the Recession

The Detroit News has an interesting, and overall well-written article about the state of plastic surgery in the Metro Detroit area during these economically challenged times. I've heard stores of many plastic surgeons in the area whose practices have been hammered by the slumping economy, especially in this state. The article states that people are still having work done, it's just that they are resorting to less expensive, less invasive procedures in an attempt to save money.

I find it interesting that they interview an oral and maxillofacial surgeon on the state of breast augmentation today. What a crock! If any newspaper reporter would like to discuss the state of dental implants with me, feel free to call!

To read the article, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

ChromiFox: Theme Firefox rasa Google Chrome

Theme Firefox rasa Google Chrome - Ingin menghadirkan theme
dengan nuansa Google Chrome di Firefox anda? yup, Add-ons yang dikembangkan oleh
ChromiFox ini, sudah bisa anda coba untuk menggantikan theme standar
Firefox anda. Sangat disayangkan, theme multi platform pada tiga Sistem
Operasi ini hanya support pada Firefox 3. Kapan hadir untuk Flock ya? ya sudah, silahkan mengunduh addons-nya


Agar "Followers" support di mode Indonesia

Informasi terbaru pada

Blogger Buzz
mengatakan, saat ini

Blogger Follower
sudah tersedia pada semua versi English. Lalu, gimana nasib
di mode indonesia, belum bisa dong? jangan khawatir, anda juga bisa mencobanya,
caranya cukup mudah, anda tinggal nge-set saja mode bahasanya ke pilihan English
pada halaman Dashboard, kemudian set juga pilihan English pada  halaman
Settings - Formatting - Language (bahasa)...beres :) Jangan lupa ya untuk mem-follow
blog oom

atau siapa saja yang sudah bergabung di followers oom

. Good Luck :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Evolence... A New Type of Collagen

The field of cosmetic injectables continues to get more complicated as the newest filler, Evolence, is set to make its widespread debut in the United States.
Evolence is a type of injectable collagen made from pig tissue. It's FDA approved as of July 2008 for the improvement of nasolabial folds, or the deep wrinkles that extend between the nose to the corners of the mouth. It's not recommended for the lips. The results appear to last six months or more according to most articles. The big selling point is the reported lack of bruising or swelling which accompanies its injection.

I don't have experience with this product yet, but have been invited to become trained in it. The cosmetic market is full of so many fillers nowadays, some I use (Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Sculptra) and some I don't (Artefill, Radiesse, Captique, Hylaform). Time will tell if this one is all it's hyped to be.
My problem with ALL of these fillers is the cost per syringe. The average person has a hard time spending $500-$1000 per treatment, especially in this terrible economy. If a company could market a filler that lasts a year but costs only $100 per syringe all the other ones would go out of business. I'd buy that one!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Say hello to

Hari ini mencoba launching blog versi english di
Mengenai kualitas konten, saya usahakan tetap orisinil, karena sebagian besar
memang merupakan translate dari tulisan terdahulu di

Rencana awal sebenarnya mencoba sendiri melakukan translate. Namun apalahdaya, karena keterbatasan waktu
dan bahasa inggris saya yang terbilang dodol, mau gak mau tetap menggunakan
jasa yang sudah saya percaya bersedia membantu menyelesaikan tugas ini. Semoga
saja dalam waktu dekat semuanya sudah terselesaikan. Amin

Silahkan sambangi aja langsung ke
Jangan lupa juga berlangganan artikel via
RSS Feed
disana, karena hampir setiap hari akan ada artikel-artikel terbaru yang siap
anda santap *makanan kali* hehehe :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin and Plastic Surgery?

Has Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin had plastic surgery? Make Me has a post describing their thoughts on this. I would agree with most of their assertions, basically that if she's had work done it's probably something minor like Botox in her forehead, skin rejuvenation lasers or peels, and maybe some teeth whitening. Overall, she looks pretty naturally youthful to me. I guess standing next to John McCain, nearly anyone would look young!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Theme pilihan untuk Google Chrome

Google Chrome Theme - Walaupun perubahan Theme pada Google Chrome
belum ada layaknya plugin Mozilla,  berdasarkan informasi yang saya ketahui,
ada beberapa Thirt Party Developer yang sudah melirik untuk
mengembangkannya. Theme Gratis ini sebenarnya bukan layanan resmi dari Google, namun
tidak ada salahnya anda juga mencobanya. Cara mengganti theme pilihan ini
juga terbilang mudah, anda cukup melakukan swapping file default.dll
pada folder theme yang ada pada path Google Chrome anda.


Untuk pilihan theme, bisa anda download pada link dibawah:


Mac Theme |


Orange Theme |


Army Style |

Gold Theme



Black Theme

FireFox 3 Theme

Aqua Theme



Intruksi Installasi:

1. Download salah satu file diatas.

2. Kemudian Extact file .rar tersebut.

3. Jalankan Windows Explorer anda, kemudian tuju pada folder directory dibawah:

Window Vista:



Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\LocalSettings\AppData\Google\Chrome\Application\\Themes

4. Extrak file Default.DLL yang sudah ada download pada folder direktori
diatas (sebelum melakukan swapping Default.DLL, ada baiknya anda
melakukan backup terlebih dahulu pada file Default.DLL yang lama)

5. Kemudian jalankan Chrome anda dan lihat perubahannya. Selamat Mencoba :)


Friday, September 5, 2008

Tila Tequila and Breast Implants

Does MTV reality star Tila Tequila have breast implants? It appears so... Here is what she said in an interview for Import Tuner:

2NR: Real or fake?
TN: Real on the outside! They're fake, but they are proportioned to my body very well.

The roundness of her breasts on her tiny frame give them away to me. I think they are probably small C's and fit her body well. It's crazy how My Space can make someone a star!

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox TV, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Feed Subscription Box Bernuansa Kartun

Tampilan blog ini terlihat minimalis, lucu dan menggemaskan. Dengan
sentuhan bernuansa kartun, ketika anda mengunjunginya, anda pasti akan
berdecak kagum pada desain templatenya. Tapi kali ini saya tidak membicarakan panjang lebar pada desain
template, perhatian saya lebih tertuju pada desain Feed Subscription
yang membuat saya gemes ingin mencicipinya (makanan kali) hehehe. Penasaran? Lihat sample desainya pada gambar

Gimana, tertarik untuk membuatnya?

Blogger kartunis yang saya kenal bernama Doug Cloud, ternyata berbaik
hati membuatkan tutorialnya. Jika anda bosan dengan tampilan milik anda saat ini,
kenapa tidak mencoba membuatnya. Dengan sedikit sentuhan, anda pasti bisa
memodifikasinya agar lebih manis dan nampak berbeda. Penasaran, Segera sambangi tutorialnya


Oh iya, sebagai tambahan, tutor ini tidak hanya untuk
Subscribtion Box saja, anda bisa juga mengkreasikannya pada box subscribtion

Kalau masih bingung dengan kodingnya, bisa tanya saya di kolom komentar. Selamat mencoba :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The New Season of Dr. 90210

The sixth season of E! Television's Dr. 90210 is premiering Monday, Sept 8th at 10/9c. Check out the preview clip on here. Dr. 90210 is now the only plastic surgery television series that airs new episodes. I've got it TiVo'd. Dr. Gary Motykie is a friend of mine, and a good guy. He actually took my spot in L.A. when I left to return to Michigan. It's good to see he's doing well for himself.

To view a clip of my appearance on the first season of Dr. 90210, click here.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Download Web Browser Google Chrome (BETA)

Setelah ditunggu-tunggu, hari ini, rilis Google Chrome (beta version)
sudah bisa anda download
. Google Chrome merupakan browser yang dibuat dengan
desain praktis agar Anda dapat mengakses Web dengan lebih cepat, mudah, dan
aman. Untuk informasi selengkapnya mengenai kelengkapan fitur dari Google Web Browser ini bisa anda baca



Jika anda tertarik untuk melihat Google Chrome di interpretasi berbentuk komik mengenai keputusan
keinsinyuran dari Scott McCloud, bisa menyimaknya

Monday, September 1, 2008

Shannen Doherty Rules Out Plastic Surgery?

90210 star Shannen Doherty has ruled out plastic surgery for herself. In an interview she stated,

"These are my looks, whether you like them or not. They work for me. I have a gap in the middle of my teeth. You know how many people wanted to cover that gap?
"My parents are like, 'Don't ever do that! That's what makes you different!' I was raised to have a lot of confidence and believe in myself."

Is she being less than truthful here? Check out these photos on Awful Plastic Surgery and make your own opinion. Here is a link to my previous post on her hiring a lawyer to combat these plastic surgery rumors.

I've never been a fan of hers, and have never really watched Beverly Hills, 90210. I think it was a little after my time. I do, however, like Dr. 90210.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.